let’s accept that in Spain, from the NINETEENTH of the istiophoridae, has been shot wildly. In fact, except during the period of the 78, already completed, has been the impression that each generation moved to the next unfinished task of liquidating the half of Spain that’s left. Well, even though in Spain have killed them both, often arise picture of mumbo-jumbo that say that the drama of “this country”, which really delayed her entry into the lights and kept as a theme park of the barbarie authentic, was that here was not the guillotine.

I Understand that you do not complain of the shortage of political assassinations, which constitute a world record, but of the poor choice instrumental. Javier Krahe, who among all the chances to be executed said to prefer the stake, has already made us to understand that until the form of kill contains a message. And therefore, unlike the clunky squad, our left sans culotte has mythified the blade purging of the guillotine, because it evokes three fotogenias irresistible: the Enlightenment, modernity, and Paris. And the beheading of a king, of course, that directly amounts to erotic fantasy.

In its first tweets, the left of the People mentioned a lot of the guillotine. Irene Montero, for example, was becoming famous with jokes inmarcesibles, such as the one in which he said that the only “cuts” (wink eye) that admitted they were the head of FB6 in the guillotine. I want to say that that instinct was present, and was filled with the argument that the Story we had the beheading of a king to consecrate at last the Spanish modernity that they, and only they, brought.

Since you can then repair what’s funny that it turns out that the same who accuse the Monarchy of being an institution anachronistic proposed as a formula substitute… the communism!, of which the word republic, as they handle, it is only an alibi, a muffler.

there Was a moment of delicious, starring Ada Colau, who was the one that best represented a nostalgia cuchillera. I mean, summer of 2015, the removal of the bust of JC1 in the plenary hall of the town Hall of Barcelona. Is “ran” (wink eye) with a certain ceremonial and photographers were given a few seconds to have time to photograph the King’s head stuck in a cardboard box that remedaba the basket on the falling rolling the heads of the guillotinados. Only the material in which had been sculpted the bust, maybe bronze, prevented out to the balcony to show it to the people grabbed by the hair.

Ada Colau passed from this thing half banksy of the beheaded float repudiation of FB6 and the requirement of abdication and decommissioning of the Monarchy that made it official at city Hall with the support of several councillors belonging to groups characterized by their moderation.

These proclamations are part of a general plan of harassment against the Head of State, which is beneficial to the pro-independence because it is in addition against Spain; and it is also to the left jacobian because it is worth any distortion that precipitates the fall of the regime.

What Sanchez is different, pure weak, pure begging that has broken the social contract according to which citizens expect their State to defend the laws and the values were attacked, not that it is located in a plane of complicity with the aggressors. But, beyond all of this, and as stated by Ada Colau, who is also to get to make exegesis, remains intact superstition leftist that the monarchy is the delay castizo Spanish and only the guillotine modernized. I don’t know if, putting us pragmatists, that reflection supports a comparison between the current Spain and before the 78.

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