The Stasi memorial in Inberlin-Hohenschönhausen no longer wants to cooperate with AfD-close employee Siegmar Faust. Memorial director Hubertus Boy does not want to entrust denehemaligen political prisoners with guided tours of DerGedenkstätte. According to boy, AfD-Near and Holocaust-relativierenden utterances of Faust do not in any way correspond to opinion of Institution Foundation Memorial Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. ” It was also not shared by majority of former political prisoners in DDRwerden, “said director of Berliner Zeitung.

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At time of GDR, Today 73-JährigeFaust sat in prison several times because of his struggle for freedom of opinion. The Federal Republic 1976kaufte him free. He has been a alsZeitzeuge and visitor guide to memorial site. Meanwhile, Faust should have AfDzugewandt. In a conversation with BerlinerZeitung, he campaigned for mildness for Horst Mahler. The former lawyer Derterroristischen Red Army Faction is currently sitting for Holocaust denial imprisonment.

The prison in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Warvon 1951 to 1989 Central investigation prison of GDR state security, in which several thousand people were imprisoned. After end of GDR wurde1994 a memorial site was established, through which visitors were mainly vonehemaligen prisoners.