Teens will revolutionize e-sports: – Our cursed duty to put us into what the kids are doing

today, were made in european e-sports history in Brussels.

It tells Jack Holand. Nordlendingen is among Norway’s four representatives from a newly created e-sportsforbund, who has taken the trip to Belgium’s capital.

Here was today founded a european association for e-sports. Gamingas response to UEFA. 28 delegates from various european countries met today in the European union’s headquarters.

Utøverrepresentant and four times Norwegian champion in Counter-Strike, Anders Kjær with general manager Jack Holand from Norway’s e-sportforbund on the way to Brussels.

Photo: Norwegian E-sportforbund

Holand is crystal clear on why this is important:

– People do not understand what we are talking about. When you talk about e-sports, you could just as easily been talking about making popcorn.

– 96% of youth engaged in gaming, and then it is our cursed duty to put us into what the kids are doing, thunders Holand over the phone.

Holand think this will have massive significance for e-sport in Europe forward.

– I think this will raise the e-sport in Europe at a level that we’ve never seen before, ” he says.

Will have the e-sport after the Norwegian model

Even if the e-sport over many years has grown and developed, believe Holand that the sport is far from to be good enough professionalised.

It has been too commercialized. They like to make money on e-sports, has managed to milk it out for what it is worth. No one has protected the athletes and their rights. Who is it that takes care of the contracts and is the practitioner voice at the highest level, he is asking the question.

He believes that a non-commercial associations can help to regulate language, bullying and netiquette.

– The big commercial companies do not care about the use of language and bullying. As long as they pay a dollar for a “skin” or” loot box”, so they are happy.

He believe and hope that you can get the e-sport into more organized forms under the Norwegian model, where one takes care of the banks, the offers and the children.

Norway’s E-sportsforbund outside the EU-parliament: (f.v.) Anders Kjær, Christian Holand, Jack Holand and Lars Peter Østrem four of the six members of the board.

Photo: private – It has been a little “wild west”.

Bodøværingen Nicholas Korsgård, which for several years has worked as a trainer for several of the largest League of Legends clubs in Europe, shelves satsinga.

Nicholas Korsgård, who has coached several good teams and who themselves have been high in LoL, is happy for the initiative.

Photo: Michal Konkol

very good initiative! I hope it gives visible results, ” he says.

Kim-Erik Aanes, teacher in e-sports at the Top fhs in Norway, this can help to provide safer frames around the gameplay. So that more people dare to be with.

– It has been a little “wild west”, really, explains Aanes.

He points to several challenges:

Players who have experienced to be skviset out of the clubs. Rogue actors that are chasing profit. Contracts with conditions that would never been accepted in other sports.

must Now be associated to prove they have life right, ” states he. They succeed, see Aanes how this can help the sport.

– do you Get more frames and structure of things are almost taken more seriously with a time.

E-sport is huge internationally. Here we see from the CS-tournament Intel Extreme Masters 2018.

Photo: Agencja Gazeta / Reuters NRK interviewed Kim Martin Flobergseter in march 2018, and gave then their best tips. You need javascript to see the video.

NRK interviewed Kim Martin Flobergseter in march 2018, and gave then their best tips.

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