The SD will be the most of the new lows on the S

the American väljaropinion is a combination of several of the partisympatimätningar from the Novus Line, and the christian democrats, and We, as the Lining and the christian democrats are doing for the Echo.

the Measurement will be once a month, and in January weighing, beating the social democrats, the lows of 23.7 per cent.

However, the latest figures for the month of February, makes the party an even worse outcome, and the lands of 23.2 per cent.

” the democrats are stuck in a kind of tvåfrontskrig. It is losing voters to The sweden democrats, it has been difficult to cope with, the debate on the crimes of, among other things. At the same time, you lose voters to the Left party in it, ” says Fredrik Furtenbach, The political commentator, in an interview on the radio.

the SD is the most

in the Yeast pin is doing, that he had become the largest party in the appraisal. The SD itself is increasing as sparingly as possible, going from 23.3 per cent in January, to 23.4 per cent in February.

this is The first time since the measurement was started about ten years ago, The sweden democrats become the largest party.

” What’s happening is that The sweden democrats will come out in a positive manner, much of the news is that things are going well for them. The reverse is true as well for the first time. For both of the parties, the meaning of public opinion, quite a lot, ” says Fredrik Furtenbach at the Echo.

the Success of the V
The several other measurements of Stefan Löfvens the party backed down – even in the confidence of the prime minister, is very low. When the christian democrats, at the behest of the Gp, in January, a measurement of the confidence of each of the party went to mr Stefan Löfven, on the heavy stone.

On a month-lost the nation the prime minister, six points and was only on the fifth place in the förtroendeligan. Only 26 percent of voters said they have confidence in for the Leaves.

The big winner of the new appraisal from the Dot and the christian democrats are the Party that will go from 10.4 percent in January to a gain of 11.2 per cent in February. It is the party’s best result in the survey ever before.

It has been marked that Jonas Sjöstedt and the harder the hold the government has paid for itself with the voters, and also in the Swedish newspaper Expressen/Sifos förtroendeundersökning in January of this year, went to förtroendesiffrorna to be too high up on the antenna. Of the 32 percent of voters said they have confidence in him.

she Noted taking advantage of all the attention. He will be in the unemployment office, where he has stuck his neck out, ” said Toivo Sjörén, opinionschef of the christian democrats, then.

the Measurement came up short for Sjöstedt, the statement that the halting of the privatization of the public employment service, and of his threat to set aside the minister’s Eva Nordmark (S).

if you Look at the rest of the political parties in the American väljaropinion, that is, both the moderate party and the Christian democratic party will remain at the same level as in January.

ms Nyamko Sabunis the Liberals, rising from 3.7 per cent to 4.2, and the cross latch parliament.

the Measurement of the numbers

as of January of the year 2020 23,7)

in February, the year 2020 was 23.2

in January, the year 2020 is 23.3.

in February, the year 2020 23,4.

in January 2020, the A 10.4 ”

in February, the year 2020-as much as 11.2

in January, the year 2020 is 4.5.

in February, 2020: 4.4 in.

as of January of the year 2020 17,8.

in February, 2020: 17,8

in January, the year 2020 is 3.7.

in February, the year 2020 is 4.2

in January, the year 2020 is 6.4.

in February, 2020: 6.4 m

in January 2020, the 8,7

in February 2020, the 8.1 version.

View the merVisa off. READ MORE: , the Party gets to its peak. READ MORE: the Eu is increasing after the campaign against the Leaves. READ MORE: , the SD continued to be the largest party – S-drop in-new measurement. READ MORE:

Sjöstedt threat to Annie Lööf, ”We’ve only just begun”of the Week, with the Victor: There will be no re-januariavtalVeckan with Victor, A new januariavtal

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