From the point of view of the Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, people infected with corona who do not show any symptoms should be allowed to go to work in the future. The corresponding quarantine rule is to be relaxed. Söder is planning a joint approach with Baden-Württemberg.

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder wants to relax the quarantine rules for people infected with corona and also allow people without symptoms to work. “We are firmly convinced that the quarantine must be adjusted,” said the CSU chairman of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “I believe that we are now in an endemic phase due to the high level of vaccination.” The pandemic phase is over.

“That’s why we will now rewrite the quarantine rules in Bavaria – possibly together with other countries,” said Söder. The Bavarian head of government is aiming for a joint approach with Baden-Württemberg. “We always remain cautious, we appeal for vaccination, but we will adapt the quarantine rules together with our colleagues from Baden-Württemberg.”

“This is a different time now, politics must decide appropriately according to the situation,” he added. “Corona remains a challenge, but it’s not what it used to be,” added Söder.

In fact, the number of new infections has recently decreased noticeably. After folk festivals at the start of autumn, the numbers rose significantly, especially in southern Germany. It has been speculated that the autumn and winter wave could start even earlier this year than assumed. After a brief interim high, the numbers have been falling again for a few weeks and are currently fluctuating between 30,000 and 40,000 new infections every day.