Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a self-service technology that allows customers to receive answers to their questions without having to speak to a customer service representative.


Many customers like this because it allows them to seek solutions or find out about your company without having to speak to a live agent, which can help to increase customer satisfaction. The technology also frees up your agents’ time for other issues and tasks, among many other benefits.


Customer service is invaluable today because customers can simply opt out of your product or service for one of your competitors. That’s why tools and software, such as an IVR, are so important when it comes to enhancing your customer service experience. You have to stand out from the competition, and how you treat customers is a great starting and ending point.


While there are different kinds of IVR software and different ways to set up an IVR based on each type of software, here’s a basic step-by-step guide to setting up an IVR.


Setting up an IVR


First, you will, of course, have to download all of the necessary software to your computer/system. Once that’s done, and you have followed all of the relevant procedures in downloading your IVR, you need to set up an IVR menu.


Your IVR menu will need a welcome message that every caller is directed to upon calling the phone number you have set up for your system. This welcome message will consist of a list of options for a customer to choose from that’s tailored to your company and can help a customer to receive answers to his or her questions through an automated path.


Ideally, every option will have a number assigned to it so the customer can dial that number and move onto the next step, which will get him or her closer to having the questions or concerns answered. You can also have options for different departments or for a customer to be connected to a live agent. Within each option, you might have other more detailed menus that can help to narrow down the search and what the customer is looking for.


It’s also important to make it easy for a customer to go back to previous options, because a customer might have another question or might have dialed the wrong number and needs to click on a different option.


The entire concept behind an IVR is a customer receiving answers to his or her questions in a hassle-free matter and without having to speak to a customer service representative; however, many call centers also make an option to talk to an agent available in case the customer might need more information or believe the list of options aren’t adequate for answering questions.


The purpose of an IVR is to make things easier on the customer, so it’s essential to set up an IVR that’s proficient and will also answer every possible question customers might have, or will direct them to the correct department for an answer.


Some IVRs allow customers to speak naturally to the IVR so they can explain what they needs in a sentence. While each IVR software will come with different guidelines, methods, and manuals, the above information is a basic step-by-step guide to setting up an IVR.


IVR software can help streamline processes while making your team of agents more productive while dishing out the best service to your customers.






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