German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with a part of CDU leadership in Berlin to discuss a solution to dispute over asylum policy with CSU. In addition to General Secretary Annegret Kramp, Minister-Presidents Volker Bouffier (Hesse), Armin Flapt (Nordrhein-Westfalen) and Daniel Günr (Schleswig-Holstein) also take part. In union circles, one did not want to talk about a crisis meeting; It is rar a matter of preparing for meetings of committees on Monday.

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There was no compromise before meetings of CDU leadership bodies in Berlin and CSU in Munich. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to be supported by CSU board for a national single-handed vote to reject refugees who have already applied for asylum in anor country. Merkel rejects this and wants to reach a solution within European framework. In a single aisle of Seehofer, black-red federal government could be out of way again three months after its launch – just like group community of Union in Bundestag.

The CSU Vice-chairman Manfred Weber, however, was confident that CDU and CSU would find a common way: “The CSU is and will remain a party to European Union and is going to express this clearly with its party board decision”, said group chairman of European People’s Party in European Parliament of FAZ. The CSU also wanted a “European solution to migration challenge”.

“Control migration, have control”

Seehofer wrote in a guest post for FAZ, situation is serious but manageable. “Felt loss of control and sometimes also a lack of control” would have led to a strong populist force in Germany and Europe. Political leadership in Germany and Europe must once again make it credible to citizens “that we can control migration, that we have control over what is happening and that citizens do not have to worry and are able to live ir lives”.

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It is vitally important that EU summit at end of June finally comes to decisions that “recognise Germany’s burdens in migration policy and ensure effective protection of EU’s external borders and a fair distribution of people with a right of abode as well Ensure a rapid repatriation of people without a right of abode. “

Migration from Middle East and Africa has taken Europe unprepared. In his view, Europe’s cohesion is now at stake, as is cohesion in Germany. Its oath areas to make a domestic policy that is responsible for Germany’s well-being. “I cannot and will not be responsible for fact that we allow people to migrate, which y do not have right to interpret European law. For se cases, I must have right to reject. “

“Nonsensical chatter from legal clear space”

CDU federal vice-President Thomas Strobl praised successes in refugee policy: “In recent years, we have quite tightened law on asylum and brought numbers down considerably,” said Baden-Württemberg’s interior minister. “We must also speak openly and passionately about se joint successes. I also mean CSU colleagues. The assertion, by way, we lived in a legal-free space, is really one to one nonsensical chatter of AfD. We do not want to copy AfD, but to make m redundant by good policy by solving problems. “

Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime minister Daniel Günr called on CSU to work on a European solution. “Everyone who has contacts with partners in Europe should help to find a solution and not rely on Dublin agreement,” said CDU politician to Handelsblatt.

On or hand, CSU MEP Georg Nüßlein hopes that Merkel should be diverted. “My impression is that CDU colleagues are behind chancellor, as y have to do. In terms of content, however, y are clearly with us in a broad majority, “he said to southwest press. He presumes that Chancellor will accept that.

The Thuringian CDU leader Mike Mohring believes that Merkel will have two weeks time to find a European solution. “The CDU has agreed to this compromise, and I expect CSU to do likewise on Monday,” said Mohring world.

Greens don’t want to be a emergency repair

The opposition in Bundestag held on Sunday with comments on Union crisis. The co-group leader of Greens, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, did not rule out participation of ir party in a federal government in event of CSU leaving. “It is no doubt that Greens would be able to govern and design,” she said. But Greens are not emergency repair.

FDP vice Wolfgang Kubicki proposed as a compromise that seehofer on Monday should instruct rejection of Dublin cases on German border from 1 July. Then Merkel would have 14 days to find a European solution, said Kubicki world.

Malu Dreyer, Vice-chairman of SPD, appealed to Merkel and seehofer to end dispute. “I expect Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer to pull mselves toger and refrain from undignified power games,” she told Spark Media Group. Both would have to bring ir “sharpeners” to reason: “This Union Machtkampf harms our country.”