Ana Guerra and Víctor Elías are the surprise couple of the week.
Only a few days later that the ABC newspaper would make public that the artists could be starting a relationship, the magazine Hello!
Confirm in its edition of this Wednesday that, indeed, that is.

The aforementioned week goes further, demonstrating with images that Ana and Victor already make plans together alone, and with a more conclusive information regarding the tone of the relationship: He who was Guille in the Serranoya meets the father of his new
A whole statement of intentions with which the musicians would be establishing the bases of a relationship that progresses with a firm step.

Just a few days ago that the pianist, who accompanies in his concerts to great artists of the national landscape like Pablo López or stool, was news due to his latest sentimental relationship.
It was Chanel, the singer who has left chosen to represent Spain at the Eurovision Festival, the last woman with whom the actor had a well-known relationship.
Precisely Victor appeared to support her in the middle of all the controversy that has surrounded her victory, ensuring feeling very proud of the talent and the persevence of her who was the couple of her and that, as of today, is still someone important to him.

For his part Ana war has also been news recently for a similar gesture.
The Canarian artist broke her relationship with Jadel after leaving Operation Triunfo and then maintained a love story with Miguel Ángel Muñoz, beside the Protagonist of UPA Dance for about two years.
The story of her, like many, ended during confinement, but although love came to an end, love remains.
And for sample, the presence of the Bajito singer at the Premiere that was recently held to present the film with which the former boyfriend of her has debuted as director.