Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – After an attack on a passer-by in Frankfurt’s main train station, a 48-year-old woman is to be housed permanently in a psychiatric hospital. The woman was guilty of dangerous bodily harm, but was not legally responsible due to a mental disorder, said senior public prosecutor Nadja Niesen on Friday. The district court in Frankfurt is scheduled to rule on the case in November.

The act happened in March on the transverse platform. According to the investigation, the accused had stabbed the passer-by several times in the back of the head with the plastic fork without warning, causing three deep lacerations. The victim also suffered whiplash. After her arrest, the woman spoke of “environmental threats” that prompted her to commit the crime. The victim is said to still be suffering from the psychological consequences of the crime. The public prosecutor assumes that the attacker is a general danger.