The Gala 5 of MasterChef Celebrity 2021 today has illustrious guests: actress Cristina Medina and also an actress and winner of the previous MasterChef Celebrity Rachelor, which returns to the gastronomic talent that crowned her to the first place of the contest.

After the expulsion of Tamara, Samantha Hudson, Vanesa Romero and Yotuel, whose exit took off her colleagues and a large part of the audience, today Julián Iantzi, who has not been able to present the last dish, has been the fifth eliminated one of the talent.

The presenter of Origin Navarro has been eliminated in this fifth Gala of MasterChef Celebrity.
The pure has shone by the absence of him, although he has fought like a jabaton.
Therefore, the elimination of it has not been a surprise.

The judges positively appreciate the work of Victoria April in one of the toughest tests of this edition.
Julian Iantzi, on the other hand, does not have pure.
He presents the elaborations of him but … pure there is no.
Belén López admits that she has not compensated her the act of generosity of her because she has suffered a lot with the trampanto.
She has come out ugly, says Pepe Rodríguez, but she has come out, that it is not little.
Ivan Sánchez: “Since I’m here I’ve slept at least 4 kilos,” says the actor and model.
The judges congratulate you after all.

The tempering of chocolate is one of the most complex challenges to which aspirants face with the test of the trampanto.
To that the toffee joins.
Maximum tension in set.
Ivan Sánchez is suffering like never.
Bethlehem does not leave any doubt: “I want to die,” he regrets him.
Julian does not get the hollow form of the pure: he breaks him attempts.

The black aprons have to do a sweet and replicate perfectly a pure.
The Chocolatier Miquel Signer has come to help with him.
Belén López, frightened by the challenge of the trampanto, recognizes that she repents of her generosity …

As the actress was the best of the previous test and, therefore, it has a privilege: to save the aspirant who wants.
And she has it very easy: save carmina.
But she has another privilege, who loads it by the devil: save a black apron in exchange for a white apron.
She chooses Verónica Forqué in exchange for … herself.
Bethlehem goes down to the pit.

The rapper says it was a very shy kid, but he trusted his ability to improvise that he did not mind getting on stage in front of the audience.
He also confesses that he has lost about 20 kgs.
Since he discovered the world of sport.

The judges have given wax to Ivan Sánchez, captain of the blue team, and also to Teleru, of the Red Team.
Verónica Forqué has made a good toffee, after all, that is, to take many colleagues from it from her boxes, including carmina, which recognizes that she puts her “very nervous”.
The red team is finally the winner and, inside him, the best aspirant is Belén López.

Verónica Forqué is a bit uncontrolled, but then, immediately, smiles … Victoria Abril says: “Today is wild” and she protests, while crying crummed: “No one helps me”.
Luckily, Pepe Rodríguez manages to animate and calm it.

Eduardo Navarrete makes some comments, but David Bustamante is already fed up and says very clearly that he does not want anyone to chille or miss him.
Navarrete recognizes him and apologizes him.
With a hug, everything remains clarified.

Jordi Cruz congratulates Victoria because Suflé potatoes have always been a handicap for talent contestants.
Well, she gets great and also, ends up quickly and can help her team.

The judges, who are always saved under the sleeve, order to change the kitchens.
The blue had to elaborate a cucumber soup and noodles.
Red, tuna and apple tatin.
Well now, to change!

On the blue team, the two contestants have a rifirarafe.
Again the forms of Veronica leave a mother: “You do not work well,” she screams.
Luckily, she quickly rectifies and apologizes.
Test passed.

The actress explains that in going to you, a film that rolled years ago, she did her scenes of action.
Tarantino himself told him that this film loved it.
Victoria has affirmed that she prefers to roll him all her, an authentic off-road.
She also confesses that she did not cost him anything to undress when the uncovered arrived.

Aspirants and judges are leading a short?
of action to give way and honor the film specialists, who both play the skin in the dangerous scenes of some films.
“Spain has the best experts in the world,” admits Jordi Cruz.
For them they will cook today.

In networks, there is a response, of course:

Aspirants have prepared a duck magret.
The green dish, Rachel Rachelor, has risen with the approval of the judges in the blind tasting.
Ivan, who has achieved more points that Terelu, gets 4,000 euros that will donate his prize to the Spanish Association against Toledo Cancer.

The presenter and humorist, from the chicken coop, has torn off to sing and … it does greatly, that is the truth: tuning, power and attitude.

The actress and winner of the last MasterChef Celebrity tells how the program has changed his life: a television project, a Life Style networks account, a new restaurant that is setting out … Ivan, Terelu and Raquel compete for the PIN
Immunity and will undergo a blind tasting.

Ivan had never cooked rooster crests, but it has been very well resolved.
And Terelu has cooked a delicious cheese cake with only one hand.
They are the best, therefore, so they will have a surprise: they will fight in a new cooked by the pin of immunity, to get rid of if they consider it appropriate, of an elimination test.

Miki Nadal and Jordi Cruz are challenged to eat some chilles.
The two cry, literally.
At this spicy moments, Abel Arana referred?
Miki presents the dish of him: one of the ingredients of him are grasshopper.
This test has a safer fabric.

The actress has recognized, so pancha, that when he went to the “center”, not getting bored, pulled quail eggs through the window.
But small?
Genius and figure.

Start the tasting and Arkano, which has followed some of the Carmina Tips, has made a plate with the Bacalo’s guts that is not bad, but neither do the judges say.
Julian Iantzi has cooked the kiss of Bassing, as well, as.
They make Terelu jokes to try it, but she leaks into the race.

Terellu Fields has to prepare a cheesecake with a less hand.
This is how the cards have spoken.
He has recognized that in Marbella, a Pitonisa said that he would know a man and that he would have a son.
That’s how it was: Soon after he came into his life Alejandro Rubio, the father of his daughter.

The actress has to prepare a plate with a pork head.
She does not know about where to catch her and above her has “the tongue out of her, by God!”.
Ivan Sánchez, on the other hand, has to do cock rises.
Often panorama

The cards of the Pitonisa have given Arkano the ingredient of his plate: cod guts.
The rapper, which seems not to know absolutely nothing on purpose, receives a useful chivatazo from Carmina Barrios: “You have to clean them very well and turn them around. And then the stews with spinach.”
Will it pay you?
We will see.

The program starts with the discontent of the judges with regard to the progress of the applicants.
Therefore, they announce that a Pitonisa has come, the actress Cristina Medina.
Between laughter, Terelu acknowledges that this world of beyond is afraid of truth.
And what jokes, the just ones.
Tarot cards are dishes and some other seasoning (advantages and disadvantages).

Thus, many followers of the program with the controversial expulsion of Yotuel, which some considered very unjust:

The fun and very dicharacera actress Cristina Medina will become Pitonisa to take the letters to the celebrities.
She will propose to improve the dishes appointed by her letters and as destiny is capricious, some will have advantages and others, disadvantages.
The two best of this challenge will face a new cooked to obtain the pin of immunity, a safe conduct that allows its owner to get rid of the elimination test or save it for another occasion.

Abel Arana releases some more pearls: There is a relationship between two contestants who was in an embryonic state that will not come to anything.
Who will it be?
The bets are opened.
And another matter: He has affirmed that today’s expulsion will be very emotional and that he knows that some spectator will cast over a tear.
He has also said that there are someone who expected much more than that person.
Make your flows.

Through Instagram, Masterchef Celebrity has announced on the direct that the ABEL ARANA presenter does in this social network, which Jordi Cruz will live in this program a “spicy moment”, and we assume that it does not have to do with any food.
He has also advanced that there will be immunity pin and that the Rachel Guest Fight will fight to achieve it.

The former MasterChef contestant has recognized that, at this stage of the program, it already has favorites.
She has given two names: the rapper Arkano and the actress Belén López.
She has also agreed that Carmina Barrios is giving great moments and that she is triumphing with the audience.