Municipalities in particular had high expectations of the Berlin refugee summit. Many demands remained unfulfilled. In the north-east, the political reassessment varied.

Schwerin (dpa / mv) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Minister of the Interior Christian level (SPD) has praised the refugee summit in Berlin as an important start and a good step. All levels were brought together at the round of talks and common work structures with four main topics were agreed, Mr. Gauge emphasized on Thursday. These included the issues of accommodation, finances, relief for the immigration authorities, integration, limiting irregular migration and returns. “The fact that we were able to agree on these priorities is a good step towards being prepared for the future,” saidleveel.

The opposition in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on the other hand, was dissatisfied. “The result of the refugee summit is a huge disappointment,” said CDU faction leader Franz-Robert Liskow in Schwerin. He has the impression that the federal government does not understand the seriousness of the situation. From the point of view of the CDU politician, the summit should have dealt primarily with limiting immigration and facilitating deportations. He also sees no potential specialists in refugees who are urgently needed.

FDP parliamentary group leader René Domke has meanwhile called for a commission of inquiry at state level to find long-term concepts for flight and migration together with municipalities, experts and experts. “It became clear today that the situation in the municipalities is no longer tenable and in some cases more serious than in 2015,” he said. The offer to provide additional federal real estate for the accommodation of refugees is to be welcomed. He also demands this in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: “The state government must not shirk its responsibility on this issue.”

“The municipalities also urgently need the opportunity to stop admissions after examining their own capacities,” demanded the AfD. Your migration policy spokesman Jan-Phillip Tadsen called for radical measures to limit immigration. This includes rejection at the borders.

From the point of view of the north-east left, the results of the summit did not help the municipalities in the country. They make great efforts to accommodate and care for refugees well, emphasized the state chairmen of the party, Vanessa Müller and Peter Ritter. “If this is not followed up, the mood will shift from a welcoming culture under the motto ‘We can do it’ to an ever-increasing rejection of refugees.” The only clear result of the summit meeting was that the federal government was not giving more money. That is unacceptable.