Toxin-Mix of the wasp spider: promising spider venom

their bite is harmless to humans, their venom but nevertheless highly interesting: The wasp spider in Germany is widely used, given their prey a unusual Toxin Cocktail. The researchers have found the University of Giessen and the Fraunhofer Institute for molecular biology and Applied Ecology out.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Over the poisons of the native spiders, little is yet known; so far, most of the toxins are large tropical species have been analyzed. The Giessen scientists have now been able to show that the toxic mixture of the wasp spider is significantly different from the previously known. While these usually consist of Thousands of small molecules, contains the Cocktail of the wasp spider, only about 50 Compounds with rather high molecular mass. Unlike typical spiders, poisons, you do not attack the nervous system. The researchers hope that some of the newly discovered substances, drugs or Bio-let insecticides continue to develop.

For publication of the study

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