Aid The Government announces scholarships of up to 7,000 euros to be an official two days before the elections

The Government has created a scholarship program of up to 7,000 euros for opponents who want to be Administration officials, who will help cover their preparation costs, according to a ministerial order published this Friday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), when there are two days left for the municipal and regional elections of 28-M.

“The aid will reach 7,000 euros and is intended for those who prepare oppositions of Corps and Scales of the General State Administration attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Function”, includes the norm, which refers to a subsequent call that will regulate the requirements to be able to access these aids. The scholarships will be annual and the Ministry will define how many will be awarded, to the opponents of which Bodies and Scales they are destined and the deadlines for submitting the applications. In addition, the evaluation criteria for the granting of aid, the documentation required to be able to access them and the deadlines for resolution will be included.

The Ministry admits that to prepare this type of process, applicants need, in addition to studying the syllabus, to have one or more trainers to guide them in the study and help them, so “financial resources are essential to access this full preparation, without which it can be much more difficult to obtain good results in selective tests”.

“For these reasons, the first objective of this scholarship program is to end the limitation of access to these careers and bodies to those who start from a disadvantaged socioeconomic position,” they point out.

The program, managed by the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), also aims to attract talent to the bodies and scales of the General State Administration (AGE), whose oppositions require special “dedication”, eliminating socioeconomic barriers.According to the BOE, the scholarships will be awarded by a competitive competition procedure, mainly by income level, although passing the exercises in the last two calls, personal circumstances or the accredited situation of gender violence, victim of terrorism or disability will also be valued.

In order to access the scholarships, applicants will have to prove that they are preparing for the opposition under the direction of a specialized center or one or more trainers, who cannot be direct family members and must be members of the corresponding bodies or scales or professionals with trajectory.

The scholarships may be renewed up to three times, as long as the beneficiary continues to meet the requirements and obligations, has a favorable report from his preparer, and has filed for opposition.

The beneficiaries will have to justify that they have carried out the activity for which the scholarship was awarded by submitting a supporting report every six months -which will include specific actions and results obtained-, a certificate of achievement from the trainer and economic documentation of the payment of materials, opposition fees or travel invoices.

In case of non-compliance with their obligations, the beneficiaries will lose the scholarship and will have to return the amounts received, in addition to being subject to the sanctioning regime.

These scholarships will be incompatible with other aids or subsidies for the same purpose, whether public or private, such as those granted by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IEF), dependent on the Ministry, which awards biannual training scholarships for young people who have studied subjects such as law, economics, statistics and documentation, and which are endowed with around 1,000 euros per month.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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