The British channel island of Jersey is one of German’s most popular tax havens. Federal citizens would have parked in the year 2018 on accounts in Jersey, a total of 180,8 billion euros, cited the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” in its Wednesday edition, a response from the Federal Ministry of Finance on a request of the left party.

In the discussion of measures against tax evasion on the part of the German Jersey has played so far no role. Behind Jersey according to the report, with Switzerland and Liechtenstein, countries that are taking in the debate a Central role. From Switzerland from Luxembourg 125,8 billion in 2018, according to the Ministry of Finance 133,1 billion euros in the accounts of the German,.

For comparison: The German defense budget, which is around 45 billion euros.

More than half a trillion euros havens

in Total, were in German in the Federal Ministry of Finance, listed in tax havens in the year 2018 at least 591,3 billion Euro to accounts located in tax. The basis of the data of the so-called automatic exchange of information. It States inform each other about accounts held by foreign Taxpayers in you. To complicate tax evasion.

The statistics of the Ministry of Finance says nothing about whether the money is legal or illegal. The check, the competent tax authorities, after the data has been transmitted.

In the list of the Ministry important control is missing, according to the report, however, oases. For example, the Caribbean Islands, Caymans, and the Bahamas require that statistics about their countries remain a secret.