Animal suffering: justice opens an investigation into the Craon slaughterhouse, in Mayenne, after a...
The Laval public prosecutor, Anne-Lyse Jarthon, announced Thursday January 18 the opening of a judicial investigation against the municipal slaughterhouse of Craon (Mayenne), following...
Snow and ice: twenty-five departments on orange alert
The snowfall, which continued during the night from Wednesday January 17 to Thursday January 18, will gradually end on Thursday morning in the north...
The Le Monde group publishes its carbon footprint
This was a commitment made by Le Monde when adopting its Climate charterIf we compare it to the previous one, which covered the 2019...
Senegal: Hann Bay, a corner of paradise that has become Dakar’s sewer, awaits decontamination
On the long beach of Hann Bay in Dakar, a lone man, equipped with a shovel and a wheelbarrow, tirelessly collects piles of garbage...
In Reunion, where cyclone Belal caused less damage than feared, reconnaissance missions are beginning
Forty-eight hours after the passage of Cyclone Belal, which hit Réunion hard until the red alert was lifted, the consequences seemed less than feared,...
How to adapt to climate change? [January recap – part 2]
Good morning ! The “Human Warmth” newsletter is taking a break until January. While waiting for his return, I suggest you dive back into...
Cyclone Belal in Reunion: how the island anticipates natural risks and what it could...
For now, relief dominates in Reunion Island. “We are not at all out of the cyclone, but we are below the cataclysmic character” affirmed...
Reunion placed on purple cyclone alert from Monday, the population called to confine themselves
Under the threat of an intense tropical cyclone named Belal, Reunion Island went into cyclonic red alert on Sunday January 14 at 8 p.m....
Reunion will go into cyclone red alert from 5 p.m., with the population called...
Under the threat of an intense tropical cyclone named Belal, Reunion Island has been placed on orange cyclone alert since 7 p.m. (4 p.m....
Reunion under the threat of an intense tropical cyclone
Under the threat of an intense tropical cyclone named Belal, Reunion Island has been placed on orange cyclone alert since 7 p.m. (4 p.m....