for the murder of his former girlfriend has been opened on the Tuesday before the Landgericht Frankfurt, the trial of a 56-Year-old. The charges state that the Germans lured the 22-Year-old last August in the vicinity of an equestrian center in Hofheim-Langenhain (Main-Taunus-Kreis), in an ambush. Then he should have the young woman with a gun close-up shot in the head. The woman died at the scene. The victim was killed reasons, “it is insidious, and from low motives,” it said. On the first day of the trial, the defendant said that want to comment at first, neither his Person nor to the allegations. (AZ 3590 Js 236977/19)

The day after the fact was the Wiesbaden police and sitting since then in custody. In the course of the investigation, he had denied several times to be the perpetrators have not been. The findings of the public Prosecutor’s office, according to a form of “exaggerated jealousy” of the man was the main motive to kill the woman. Approximately four weeks prior to the fact, they had separated from the 34-year-old man, according to the indictment definitive. Before it came to quarrels, apparently, is repeated, but is always back by the return of the woman.

After the repeated separation, but the 56 was-Year-old “obsessed with the thought that you may have no other,” according to the indictment. Several weeks before the fact he was stalking her, because she had forfeited, in his view, the “right to life”. Because he had for the semi-automatic weapon with a silencer and rifle is no permission, the charge of weapons law violations.

The court of assizes chamber is an extensive evidence to be taken with ten days of negotiations until the end of July. At the hearing, several relatives of the victim to take part as a co-plaintiff.