The president of LR Éric Ciotti estimated on Wednesday that the appointment of a Republican to Matignon is “political fiction” and prefers to “fight” to win the next presidential election.

Asked about his possible appointment as head of government at a time when rumors of a reshuffle are intensifying, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes replied on franceinfo: “This question does not arise. That would mean that we are in a situation where we have the majority or where our ideas settle in the government of the country”.

“These elements are naturally not installed today, we are in opposition,” he insisted.

What about a government pact between LR and the majority? “We are naturally not in this context and I do not see how we would be there because we do not have a majority group in the National Assembly”, he noted, stressing that “all that is is political fiction”.

“I am fighting for us to win the elections tomorrow and in particular the presidential election”, he concluded.

The president of LR also “regretted” not having “at this stage” received a response to her request to meet the Head of State Emmanuel Macron to talk about immigration, while an LR proposal will be “debated in the Senate from the first days of the October session”. “To the government if it is sincere, to come to our positions,” he said.

“The reshuffle for what?” Asked for her part on France 2, the former minister LR Rachida Dati.

“It’s not a question of people, we have seen the limit of poaching, there are people on the right in his government. Today, France needs a course”, she said. estimated.

“An alliance means nothing, you need a government project”, with “participation or not in government”, she added, while ensuring that “France is mainly on the right”.

06/14/2023 10:09:01 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP