For a while Axells harsh criticism of the second day, after the stopped the drömprojektet

the Tv personality ” for a while Axell, 64, has appeared on the screen as the host of ”Ask the doctor” for over seventeen years.

But in spite of that, she is faithful to knegat in which the face of one of the flagships of the estimate from the Swedish television SVT has not always been the best.

” I think there are many of us in the company who don’t know us particularly well. We are paid to do the job properly. However, no special gullande, I have never, ever known of, “said Suzanne Axell said:

” But it’s not something you can sit back and fret, and moan about. There is a lot that goes into their work as an artist, ghetto blaster, nurses, etc, and not for an entire lifetime, a pat on the back. Praise is a scarce commodity in the workplace. I will get the people’s approval, and a lot of love from the viewers, and it’s big enough.

the Relationship with the colleague – for the
Last year’s left ” for a while Axells colleague, Gunilla Hasselgren programme for 16-year-old, liked the profile of the ”Ask the doctor” – which Karin in Sweden, took over the role of the expert.

” shirley and I have been very successful, and she is a happy, fun, and friendly woman who is a joy to work with! say, “for a while Axell and talks at the same time, she continued to have contact with Birgitta Hasselgren.

” I’ll keep in touch from time to time about my life. She made this decision on the grounds that these journeys were – and are – many-and-long and we are still friends.
” for a while Axell and his colleague, Karin, and Sweden.Photo by: SVT ” for a while Axell, together with a former colleague Birgitta Hasselgren.Photo by: , TOMAS OLSSON / Swedish television SVT is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode

” for a while Axell does not have any plans to either adhere to his or her former partner’s choice to leave the program or to leave the profession.

” No, I have no idea of it. I don’t think I’ve had more jobs in my life, other than what I have now. And so it rolls on very nice, she said in a dec.

Upholstered drömprojektet – from the response
However, the dream of Suzanne Axell, to develop their programledarroll in a new format.

” I have a dream to do their own interview programmes, there are a lot of great people that I meet, I also feel that, wow, this was going to be a super nice phone call for a longer interview. There is so much more to tell you.

” for a while Axell has been trying to sell his programidé for the second day, which, unfortunately, has so far met by silence from the channel.

” No idea. As I have suggested, but have not received a response, ” says Suzanne Axell.

and SVT, in turn, the sorry Suzanne Axells the opinion of the employer’s response.

”my Question, Doctor, is a very popular program, in particular, of the viewers, but is also made in-house at SVT, Swedish television. It is, of course, sad if it doesn’t have to reach for the ” for a while. As regards the programpitchar and so will the hundreds each and every year, and only a small part of a tv program. But if you have good ideas, you should never give up,” writes Hamon, Hosseini, sweden’s press office, in an e-mail.
Suzanne Axell: the SVT is different in the people, and the people who

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