Linus Wahlgrens there is no there there in relation to the exfrun

When you’re working as an actor, it’s hard to have a normal daily life, where they pick the kids up from school, and read the lessons with them in the evening.

you know, Linus Wahlgren, 43, who last year did a lot of work in Gothenburg, sweden, despite the fact that the children he has with exfrun Jessica, This is 45, living in Stockholm, sweden.

” How do you get up there? You are a once every two week, single-parent families and live in a different city, wondering, As Atkins, when Linus Wahlgren is a guest on her program, ”Renées brygga” in Swedish tv channel TV4 on Wednesday. , Linus Wahlgren, about the relationship of exet
This explains that it is important to have a good relationship with their expartner in order to make it as good as possible for the children.

” Then make it so that you bring the kids down to the city of Gothenburg. They have been a part of it. Then you have a good relationship with his ex, so you have to help each other out a little bit when it’s run is coming to a head.

” I’m thinking that it must be difficult in general when you are doing shows, even if it is in Stockholm, sweden, said Renee Nelson.

a Life on the stage, it’s hard to be in the presence of a parent, Linus Wahlgren, something that made him think about giving up on working with the scenteater.

” When you are on stage, you go to work at five o’clock, and will be the home of eleven and twelve, on Friday and Sunday, the double on Saturday. So, it is not possible to have a normal life. So, I’ve made up my mind to not be so much on the stage, in the future, it will be a little difficult to get it to this standard have relaxation at villa källhagen with the kids, or to be able to see all the football matches, and so on, ” he says, in the ”Renées brygga”.

READ MORE: , Linus, Wahlgrens cryptic response about the relationship with the exfrunLetar not a new partner
Linus Wahlgren and Jessica, This was different in 2012 and, As Atkins was wondering if it is time for the actor to find love all over again.

” There are quite a number of years ago, you have distinguished yourself, if you are looking for a new partner, asks Nelson.

” no, No, I wouldn’t say that I’m doing. It will happen, so be it, ” says Linus Wahlgren.

Renées brygga” airs on Wednesday at 21.00 on TV4 in sweden.

the Gp has been applied for Timmy, This is for the comment section.

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