The apartment is Nine pounds of dynamite, and the nazistmaterial

According to the police, it was in the context of a rutiningripande against a suspect high on drugs and person in the Göteborgsstadsdelen Tynnered that the decision was made to search for an apartment in the neighborhood.

When the officers entered the apartment, they noted that it was ”full of nazi symbols; the Flags with nazi symbols, a photo of Adolf Hitler, the leaflets of the nazi party, the Nordic resistance movement, and a variety of military items, gun parts, and ammunition.

As the security service personnel came to the apartment, they found in the kitchen, with a big red hakkorsflagga on the wall, nine pounds of dynamite, in the form of a sprängpatroner.

” He acknowledges that there have been at home with him, and that he is the one who administrated it. He has an attitude that he would like to live out in the woods, and then you would like to have a gun. Kind of like that. Nets, he says that he has found it, ” said the prosecutor, Hans-Jörgen Hanström, in the riksenheten of national security.

the Findings, which were made in the man’s apartment.Photo: the Police the Findings, which were made in the man’s apartment.Photo: the Police the Findings, which were made in the man’s apartment.Photo: the Police is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode Said to have belonged to the nazistorganisation

the Landlord said that he had for many years been a member of the Swedish resistance movement, which today changed its name to the Nordic resistance movement, and for that, he has been one of the leaders of the Soldiers of Odin.

At the hearing, asked if an e-mail he sent to one of the senior members of the Swedish resistance movement, in 2009, in which he stated that he ”will lay down his life for the Mother of the Successful”.

Others in his environment, according to the police, he is far to the right politically.

” I’m not the same person I was back then. I wanted to fight on because of all the rapes and murders that take place, ” says the man, and says that he has searched both the home guard and for a job as a security guard but was denied due to their backgrounds.

” things were different then. Now, I just want to live my life out in the woods.
The apartment is found to the police, a quantity of such material, which was released a few years back.Photo: the Police is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode , A ” ” hit list” ( at the same time, have the Police found what was described as a hit list on his computer, with an array of photographs, on the left, journalists and local people with an immigrant background who have been baptized into the name ”dead1”, and ”dead2”.

some of the names have been brought up in a small rödsvart in the notebook, under the heading ”folkförrädare/rasförrädare”.

“I don’t like people who betray their country, and the globalists,” says the man, when he was asked about the pictures and the list.

the Globalists in the anti-semitic environment, has become a word synonymous with ”zionists” or jews as having a possible interest in them.

if You are writing to is on the list, and should be stamped out. Thus, there is a list of people who you want to be dead?, asking the interrogator to the man.

” No, it’s more of a venting. What do I need to be able to have death in it? I just want to go away from my country. When you are angry as you write, a lot.

” This is the mother Used in order to let off steam to me. In a situation of war, in a full, healthy functioning of the country, and they had been indicted for treason, ” says the man, but stated that he is opposed to violence.

the Newspaper, to Expo, could also be in connection with the raid, in november 2017, the reveal of the man as recently as a few months before, and had made a tirade against what he described as ”the zionists and the globalists” in a large facebook group.

They were described as, ”a virus that needs to be closed, and all the traitors who have agreed to contribute with this,” and he concluded,

”… Hell, the Mother Used! Hell, all they women! We’ll see you on the field of battle, and of Valhalla.

the items in a man’s apartment is being prosecuted, he is now a suspect for a serious vapenbrott and a gross violation of the law on inflammable and explosive goods.


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