Baden-Württemberg: Full trains expected due to airport strikes

The Verdi warning strike at Stuttgart Airport not only has consequences for tens of thousands of passengers. It should also get tighter on Friday in the lanes. And contrary to a previous announcement, nothing should go in the direction of Turkey either.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the railways in the southwest it should be much tighter because of the airport warning strike on Friday. “We expect high utilization during the day,” said a railway spokeswoman on Thursday in Stuttgart. Friday is in any case a high-demand travel day for the railways, with the start of the holidays that applies all the more.

However, additional trains are not planned, said the spokeswoman. There are at least hourly ICE connections between the big cities. The railways expect that the normal clock will be sufficient. Travelers should check the occupancy display for less popular trains.

The Verdi union had called for warning strikes at several major airports on Friday. As a result, in addition to Stuttgart, the airports in Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg also announced that flight operations would be suspended.

Thousands of planes are said to remain on the ground. According to the airport association ADV, almost 300,000 people are affected. In Stuttgart, 163 flights and around 20,000 passengers are affected. Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport, on the other hand, does not expect any effects.

Not only holidaymakers and business travelers are affected by the failures in Stuttgart. Aid flights in the direction of the disaster area in Turkey should not take place on Friday, contrary to previous announcements by Verdi. “There will be no passenger flights and no cargo flights either,” said a spokeswoman on Thursday.

The union had previously announced that it would allow ten flights with relief supplies and relatives to Turkey as part of an emergency service agreement. Air traffic control should be staffed with emergency switches.

A Verdi spokesman explained that there was only an emergency service agreement with the aviation security services, but not with the operating company. If they say the airport is closed, the hands of the union are tied. The goal is still to make the ten flights possible.

According to the airport spokeswoman, however, only military flights, security landings or medical flights – such as urgent organ donations – are possible on Friday.

With the walkout, the employees want to emphasize their demands in the collective bargaining dispute between the federal and local governments. In addition to the public service, there are local negotiations for ground handling services and a nationwide round of collective bargaining for aviation security.

Verdi and the civil servants’ association DBB are demanding 10.5 percent more income in the public service wage dispute, but at least 500 euros more for the approximately 2.5 million federal and local employees. The term should be twelve months. The employers have rejected the claims. The second round of negotiations is scheduled for February 22nd and 23rd in Potsdam. An offer from the employer has not yet been received.

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