Politics The PP calls Sánchez a "trapped president" and says that "he should leave Spain in a trunk"

While the Socialist Parliamentary Group announced the amnesty law proposal, the PP took stock at its headquarters of the 52 protests that were held on Sunday in each of the provincial capitals. The Deputy Secretary of Organization of the Popular Party, Miguel Tellado, has congratulated himself on the “peaceful” success of the mobilizations called by his party against the pacts of the PSOE with the independentists.

“It is an achievement. All of them have developed absolutely normally, in a peaceful and orderly manner, without a single problem of order, not a single conflict, without a single altercation,” stressed Tellado, who has announced that the PP will continue ” in the street” against Pedro Sánchez.

Tellado has raised the tone against the general secretary of the socialists, whom he has called a “cheating president”, before unleashing a profound charge: “For allowing this humiliation of our country, for allowing the humiliation of the rule of law, for humiliating the separation of powers, which is essential in any democracy, I think Pedro Sánchez himself should leave this country in a trunk.”

He was referring to the fact that Carles Puigdemont had allegedly hidden in the trunk of a car while fleeing Spain, according to some information. That appeal to the trunk “is a joke,” Tellado later added so that it was not interpreted literally, but rather as a political criticism as premeditated as it was metaphorical.

Just like Feijóo did on Sunday, Tellado has asked Sánchez for an appointment with the polls to vote again, but with the amnesty on the political board. “Let him listen to the street and call elections.” “Sánchez has built Waterloo into the new capital of Spain. It is a humiliation that Puigdemont returns,” the Galician leader insisted. “The biggest problem that Spain has today is not the independence movement, it is called Pedro Sánchez,” he has even said.

After telling the PSOE deputies that they will never be able to look their voters in the eyes again if on Thursday they vote in favor of an investiture that implies an amnesty, Tellado has especially charged against the president of Castila-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page : “Sánchez has reached an agreement,” he said, with all the associations of judges and jurists. “Of course, it has created a political crisis in the García-Page family,” he added, in reference to the fact that the socialist leader’s twin brother has left the PSOE due to the amnesty.

“Page is the same as Pedro Sánchez. You can’t say one thing and do the opposite. And that will haunt Page throughout his political career. He has shown that he is willing to swallow everything. Let’s stop playing tricks, in the family The only honest Page is his twin,” he said. “The example to follow is at home,” he concluded.

Later, PP sources have said why they now charge so much against Page: “There comes a time when the bug must be unmasked.” “Today no one recognizes the PSOE anymore, because Sánchez has swallowed it up. Anyone who expresses even the slightest voice will be demolished,” he added.

Asked about the general strike demanded by those attending the PP demonstrations and that the union related to Vox wants to promote, Tellado has settled that “general strikes are called by the unions, not the parties. We will have to listen to them.” Politically motivated strikes are illegal.

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