Politics The Vox advisor in Extremadura resigns due to problems with the party: "Rome did not pay traitors"

The only Vox advisor in Extremadura, the rancher Camino Limia, presented her official resignation this Thursday in the Government of the popular María Guardiola of the Junta de Extremadura two and a half months after taking office.

The former senior official, who is not affiliated with Santiago Abascal’s party, has submitted her resignation due to internal problems with the Vox management, as EL MUNDO has learned.

Considered an influencer of farmers and ranchers, the until now Minister of Forest Management and Rural World, the only Vox quota within the coalition Government, clashed with the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, when he attacked the quality of Spanish meat.

In his last post on Twitter, Limia literally wrote this reflection, which already explained the internal problems he was having: “Three names; Audax, Ditalco and Minuro, have gone down in history as the most infamous Turdetans. Rome did not pay traitors , but the death of Viriato. The Shepherd who came to Caudillo, and with honor defended Hispania (Extremadura) from traitors and cowards.”

The spokesperson for the Government of Extremadura, Victoria Bazaga, has summoned the emergency media to announce the resignation, which this newspaper has been able to confirm in advance. In fact, she presented her resignation this past Tuesday. Camino, who felt at times obscured in her work by the PP Agriculture Minister, Mercedes Morán, because their work was sometimes very similar.

It must be remembered that Camino Limia had the powers of Forest Management and Rural World, but that problem has not been the cause of its resignation, according to sources close to the former counselor. That was an issue that had arisen since her appointment but that she tried to resolve with her day-to-day work.

Ignacio Higuero de Juan, who until now was general director of Forest Management, Hunting and Fishing, that is, number two in the ministry that Camino presided over, will replace the former counselor.

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