Dresden (dpa/sn) – The Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) has called for companies and politicians to work more closely together because of the throttled gas supplies through Nord Stream 1. “If politics and business work together constructively and without bans on thinking, it should be possible to master the situation,” said IHK President Andreas Sperl on Wednesday in Dresden. According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, many companies are preparing to save natural gas or replace it with liquid gas and oil firing, for example, because of an impending gas shortage in winter.
In doing so, however, they sometimes encountered authorities whose extensive requirements and deadlines made these processes more difficult, the IHK criticizes. The priority task of the federal government should be to enable the authorities to do much faster approval procedures.
The Russian company Gazprom had announced that it would further reduce the utilization of Nord Stream 1 from 40 percent to 20 percent of the total capacity. “Even if Russia has fulfilled its obligations for many years, we must now acknowledge that it is no longer a reliable supplier country. That is why it is right and important for politicians to react consistently,” said Sperl.