Spain Attacks on prison officials do not stop: 39 workers injured in 2023

The attacks on officials in prisons do not stop happening, as revealed by the figures registered in the first three months of 2023.

So far this year, at least 39 officials have required assistance for different injuries suffered in interventions with inmates, according to a complaint by the majority union ACAIP-UGT.

According to official data, during the year 2022, prison workers suffered 453 attacks, which is one every 19 hours. With respect to the year 2021, the number of injured officials has multiplied almost by three. A figure, in reality, much higher, since these data do not reflect all the incidents that occur in a prison, only those in which the worker requires medical assistance.

“It is necessary that the means of protection be in accordance with the functions that prison workers perform, the same means of 20 years ago cannot continue to be used, currently there are lighter means, more effective than those supplied, and at a lower rate economic cost,” they denounced.

“The Administration must ensure the safety of its workers, so from ACAIP-UGT we insist on the need for adequate protocols to prevent attacks and repeal the current one that has proven to be inefficient.”

In the union’s opinion, it is “paradoxical” that, faced with the increase in attacks, the actions carried out have been focused on “reactivating courses so that inmates in prisons such as Madrid II receive boxing classes, instead of increasing self-defense training for inmates.” penitentiary public employees”.

The ACAIP-UGT requested a precise evaluation of the psychosocial risks of the workers.

“The prison environment is very complex due to the diversity of situations faced by a worker who, within a few minutes of each other, may have to deal with a suicide attempt by an inmate, an assault, a fire, or solve many other bureaucratic tasks and attention to the prisoner.The modification of article 80 of the General Penitentiary Organizing Law by which prison workers would be considered agents of the authority, has been stopped in Congress for more than a year for which, Since ACAIP-UGT request that the parliamentary procedure be expedited so that this measure can serve as a brake on the attacks suffered by public prison employees”.

Finally, the union highlighted the “need” to provide workers with the necessary training to deal with these violent situations and adequate psychological support when verbal and physical attacks occur.

“Improvements in occupational health and safety and the coverage of vacant positions continues to be the great pending issue of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions and an effective and real negotiation with the social agents is urgently needed to find the appropriate solutions that end this scourge of aggressions in prisons”, they concluded.

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