Four new guests have landed on the set of Pasapalabra with the aim of helping the contestants to add seconds in their lockers for the final test of El Rosco. In addition to squeezing their knowledge and reflexes, celebrities also tend to leave large doses of humor and good vibes. On this occasion, Roberto Leal has welcomed Leo Harlem, Irene Junquera, Madame de Rosa and Juan Avellaneda. Let’s get to know this latest guest a little better.
Juan Avellaneda was born in Barcelona 40 years ago. He studied Business Administration at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Creative Management at the London College of Fashion. This academic training allowed him, in 2014, to create his own fashion brand, Avellaneda, a firm that has a colossal legion of devotees.
Among his well-known clients are the guitarist of The Rolling Stones, Ron Wood, Boris Izaguirre, Jaime de Marichalar or the model Nieves Álvarez.
The man from Barcelona has found a new and colorful way of dressing the male silhouette and his designs have participated in the prestigious Paris Men’s Fashion Week and have received fashion awards from GQ magazine.
But Juan Avellaneda is much more. He designs clothing, jewelry, and decorative items; he is also a stylist, entrepreneur and influencer. And also, a television animal.
On television, she made her debut in 2017 as a stylist on the Telecinco program Cámbiame; He started as a temporary substitute, but his good work when it came to transforming the contestants and his communication skills led him to be a fundamental pillar in the audiovisual project.
In 2019, he debuted as a contestant in the fourth edition of MasterChef Celebrity. From the culinary program, she made an intimate friendship with Tamara Falcó, who ultimately won the contest. That the relationship was not a flash in the pan was made clear in the Netflix docu-reality Tamara Falcó: La marquesa (2022), where Juan Avellaneda appeared on several occasions as a friend of the protagonist. In fact, as the designer confirmed on his first day at Pasapalabra, he is helping Isabel Preysler’s daughter in the fitting of the wedding dress, whose wedding is scheduled for next July.
Juan Avellaneda has also been a member of the jury in the Masters of Sewing program on TVE. And even he has had time to publish a book, Empower yourself: Know your body and take advantage of it (2018), in which he offers, of course, style advice.
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