Re-opening of the cinema: In limbo

A summer evening in the big city, in the middle of the week. A Multiplex at Potsdamer Platz for Primetime. Otherwise loud and busy, now only Elevator music and a few people. A complicated control system performs a into the cinemas. Booking online, place choice with intervals.

Peter Körte

editor in the Feuilleton section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

A note needs to be filled, will be collected at the ticket control. Or to register in advance. Tickets at the box office, there is only in the small houses. No smell of Popcorn and Nachos, not soft drinks, not even the new ice cream from the advertising, all the stands are dark.

The program is strangely mixed. Hardly any noteworthy New. “Harriet – the road to freedom”. “A larger world” with Cécile de France. Otherwise, the films that came shortly before the Lockdown are experiencing a small Comeback.

It is the attempt to save what can still be saved. The reduced turnover rate of the films could have something Beneficial, if it would be so much to a standstill. But who wanted to risk with low prospects of success greater reboots?

Everyone is an island. Or a Couple

In the hall, everyone is an island. Or a Couple of. It is the same pattern as in the afternoon in the smaller hall of the art house cinemas in the City West. The Corona-seat pattern: not directly one after the other, just offset to the left two places, to the right two places. It is the Corona dimension: 1.50 meters.

But between which points? From the edge of the Seat or the seat center? From the shoulder of the seated? In Hamburg, told a well-Known, measure from mouth to mouth, where the aerosols escape – and then one to two positions per row. Not quite unimportant, when hardly more than 25 per cent of all places occupied may be.

On the canvas the Nightlife”, which had to be running” even before Corona 1.1 million viewers. The 14 or 15 viewers, which are not distributed according to the planned pattern. A five-group remains together. The uniform distribution in the space is run.

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