400 tonnes of eggs goes in the pig: – do not Get traded all the eggs before they go out on date

The state Omsetningsrådet that with eight against two votes have granted Norturas application to use the eggs that were intended for humans to animals. The sign over the following, which reproduces an article from the landbruk24.no.

Ole Nikolai Skulberg director in Totalmarked Meat and Eggs in Nortura.

Photo: Nortura

According to Nortura, it will not be possible to use the current egglageret, which is approaching 1,200 tonnes, to the usual products before the eggs are getting too old.

– It is as simple as that reguleringslageret for eggs has become so big that we don’t get traded all the eggs before they go out on the date. Then it is better to use eggs as a fõrressurs, instead of being discarded, ” says the director of Totalmarked Meat and Eggs in the Nortura, Ole Nikolai Skulberg to NRK.

Signs of lower sales

Omsetningsrådet points out in his protocol that the industry runs a risk for a negative reputation, but the printer at the same time that it is better that the eggs are used as they do, instead of that they will be destroyed – both with regard to cost, reputation and the environment.

Ten tons overskuddsegg should also be used to omelettmiks to charitable organizations.

Skulberg says the reason why egglageret have filled themselves up, is that there have been major cancellations from the other actors, combined with deliveries of double mottaksplikt.

The latter means that the other players have the opportunity to regulate eggs for Nortura, which markedsregulator, which the group is obliged to accept.

– Eat the people less eggs than in the past?

– egg production is slightly in excess. We have a lot of eggs from producers, but we had in our forecasts seen that we were able to be cycled in this warehouse before the eggs went out of date.

Avbestillingene coming from the other eggpakkerier. It is well a sign that some players have experienced the sales they had expectations of, ” says Skulberg.

Over 400 tons of egg is can not be used before the shelf life runs out, and end up as feed for the pig.

Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB scanpix See the NRK tv-series Matsjokket Read all articles related to Matsjokket the EU-requirements for durability

Skulberg says Nortura normally don’t throw eggs, unless they are damaged and of the reason can not be used.

In 2011, the intended ForMat of the project, which was a corporate initiative to reduce matsvinn in Norway, that 850 tonnes of Norwegian eggs were thrown each year. The reason was that Norway must follow the European union’s rules for the durability, which is at 28 days.

This despite the fact that investigations made by the matforskningsinstituttet Nofima shows that it is not dangerous to eat several months old eggs, provided that they are kept cool. The survey was reprinted by the newspaper Dagbladet in 2017.

also Read: Jobs for Norway to get matkastelov Read also: Nortura open to give tons of sauekjøtt to Matsentralen

the Estimate of 850 tonnes of discarded eggs was repeated by the then ministry of agriculture and mr. Sylvi Listhaug to ABC News in 2015, as an argument against the EU directive. It has not succeeded NRK to come in contact with the ministry of agriculture and food for the updated figures Thursday night.

On questions about the EU directive is a contributing factor to that egglageret to Nortura fills up, the answer Skulberg, like this:

Eggs have a good shelf life. Had holdbarhetskravet been better, so one could hope that these eggs were traded. But now the total amount is so big, so we see it as better that you choose to use these eggs as a fõrressurs, rather than having to throw them.

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