Bathina Philipsons of desire – on the royal family’s support

In Wednesday’s ”Life,” revealed another participant for this year’s season of ”dancing with the stars” tv personality, and kungavännen Bathina Philipson, 41, will be swinging their hips ahead of miljonpublik on TV4 in the spring.

” I’m so happy to have been given the opportunity, I am insanely grateful. It is, of course, as a race, but imagine being able to have a privattränare on the dance floor as well. I’m just going to run around and have fun, this is the best happy pills ever.

Bathina Philipson says that she said yes at the same time as she was asked.

” I have dreamed of being with for many years, and I like to learn to dance all the time. Then, they build a puzzle, each and every year. Håkan Westerlund, who is the castare, they asked me if I wanted to be. Then you have to play hard, but I was not able to play in the theater, I was like, ”Yes, yes, yes, yes, god, it’s a lot of fun!”, “she said.

READ MORE: Kungavännen ready for ”dancing with the stars”: ”Was a little ” before”,”a Little bit of a dream come true for me”
the Profile is consulted, not with her husband, Aje Philipson or their three children, she made the decision, and for the last couple of weeks of intensive dance training, has had the side effects that are less popular with the kids.

” I know that this is a bit of a dream come true for me. When I asked them to massage my feet, and they don’t want to have, and I said, ”Hey, you do not want to be a mother to continue with the dancing with the stars?”. He says to the children: ”That’s blackmail”, while Bathina Philipson.

as the Spouse of The Aje” Philipson’s is the more confident of his love, the dream is to learn to partner dance.

” He knows that, and I think this is a good time, and say that it’s right for me. However, it is good that the kids are a bit bigger, so they are self-sustaining and don’t need babysitting all the time.

”I’m an ordinary girl”
When she was going to be in the public dansprogrammet hope Bathina Philipson to be able to show the viewers that she is more than just a societetsprofil.

” this is an image of me as a societetskvinnan is not the case, even though you are in the world, and I am a part of it. I’m just as down-to-earth and grassroots, as many of the others, but I have a very good life for which I am very grateful and happy for that. I’m an ordinary girl who made my journey, and I’m just trying to be myself, ” she says.

her Friend Kristin Kaspersen, who went on to win the race last year, gave Philipson advice on what she should be focusing on in the television competition.

” I was talking with Kristin Kaspersen, and she gave it to me the council is just going out and having a good time. We do both, it’s great fun with the dance, so you should just think about it for every second that you are allowed to dance, in a fun way, ” she says.

READ MORE: ” dancing with the stars in the 2020, all ready deltagareHoppas on the support of the royal family of the
Bathina Philipson, is a close friend of the two princesses, Victoria and Madeleine of sweden, but we believe that they will not be at the TV4 studio, in order to cheer her up.

” no, No, it will not be seen, but it is to be hoped that they are. But it is, after all, look at me, I’m societetsdrottningen, while she can.

on the other hand is waiting she is getting the support of her family – her husband, Aje Philipson has six children from previous relationships, in addition to the three children the couple have together.

” I come from a storbarnsfamilj as well, and I thought, now I’m going to make it a little easier and the good, and that’s how I met a man with six children, and had three children with him.

” We were going to be able to fill out the entire studio, and I don’t think anyone can come up with a time.

READ MORE: , Kristin Kaspersens honest words about the dancer’s kärlekKristin Kaspersen is the winner of this year’s ”dancing with the stars”Kristin Kaspersen is the winner of this year’s ”dancing with the stars”

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