Five arrested: Planned armed robbery of cash in transit

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Update: All five accused are in custody for 13 days after a long grundlovsforhør.


An armed robbery of a cash in transit was probably averted when the police on Thursday night arrested five persons at a large-scale action in Herlev, denmark, in the region of the Persillehaven.

Four men and a woman, produced on a Friday afternoon in a long-term grundlovsforhør by the Court in Glostrup, who is running for the ‘double-closed doors’, where it is kept secret what people specifically aim for.

Ekstra Bladet learns, however, that they are accused of attempt of robbery of the particularly dangerous character against a cash transport. Where and when the robbery would have happened is unknown.

The four men, three 26-year-old and a 21-year-old, all come from Sweden , where three of them are known for different types of crime. The men are all of a different ethnic origin.

The one 26-year-old is sentenced to four years in prison for the 16 kilos of hashish, while the other two, who are family members and live at the same address the east of Göteborg, among others, is convicted in a case of a rambuktyveri, which was stolen three motorcycles. The crimes are, however, back to 2015-2016.

the 112 – 22. nov. 2019 – at. 10:38 Secret case: Several people manufactured

Grundlovsforhøret started at 13 in the court, where the prosecutor Rasmus von Stamm from the Special Investigation into the East, produced the arrested person with the request for pre-trial detention.

Before the hearing, said Rasmus von Stamm that he has no comments had on the matter, because he would request the ‘double-closed’ doors of the consideration for the investigations.

the Action in Herlev, denmark, was done in a cooperation between SEØ and Copenhagen is Ranked the police. Here says line manager Flemming Madsen, that the police at the present time nothing can inform you about the case, because the running for the ‘double-closed doors’.

the Secrecy is because the police believe there is medgerningsmænd on the loose.

on Thursday evening wrote Copenhagen is Ranked the police on Twitter that the arrests occurred ‘in a case in which a longer period has been investigated in Copenhagen is Ranked the Police in cooperation with Special Investigation into the East, and which only implicates a group of suspected criminals’.

the 112 – 21. nov. 2019 – at. 19:41 Mysterious action: the Police are massively present

Copenhagen is Ranked the police investigator in advance together with the Copenhagen police in a case against a group of swedes, who are accused of an attempted burglary in the summer against vekslebureauet Forex on Falkonér Allé in Frederiksberg. The case is not yet ready for court.

the Arrests on Thursday came to pass in the same area in Herlev, where two Swedish gang members were killed 25. June in a flurry of bullets on the Sennepshaven.

They killed, a 23-year-old gang leader, and a 20-year-old, was from the gang ‘Shottaz’ in Stockholm, while five alleged perpetrators from the rival gang ‘Dødspatruljen’ sitting in custody, charged with double-murder.

The two gangs have been in armed conflict since 2015, where they had a falling out after several armed million-robbery in the Stockholm area.

It is not publicly known why the two members of ‘Shottaz’ was in Herlev, denmark 25. June. Five assailants arrived in an Audi and two of them opened fire on the bandemedlemmernes car, among other things, a automatvåben. They tried to set fire to the Audien in Moscow, where police found the two weapons in the car.

One of those arrested, wearing the dna suit shall be brought away by the police. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

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