After polisrazzian – this is Loginov IBU

This is a type SVT, which refers to the Russian news agency Tass.

the Reason is that the Italian police conducted raid which in the past dopningsfällde Loginov, and a number of landslagskamrater was exposed to at the hotel during the ski world CUP’s second-to-last day in the Italian Antholz.

” We are planning to sue the person who ordered the raid, and we’re talking here about Sarah Fussek. The atmosphere is going to be sent with a request for both financial and moral compensation, ” says Loginovs, personal trainer, Alexander Kasperovitj, according to the NATIONAL.

According to the AFP news agency, were the police carried out on behalf of the Italian prosecutor’s office and concerning ”the use or distribution of performance-enhancing substances”, and in the Kasperovitjs case, a valid accreditation for the world championship.

READ MORE: , Here he shows up after the polisrazzian

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