Fracture: Crass on lake Garda

tourism should be banned. He is the continuation of colonialism in flip-flops. Is particularly problematic when the Germans are on holiday. What you conquered earlier with tanks doing today, your beach towels. But there are also which who, want to be a perfectionist to make, as the Germans are, all right. However, this is not easy. For example, on lake Garda. From Munich, you should no longer call “the northernmost city of Italy”, because that’s very presumptuous, you can do it in four hours with the car. From the point of view of climate, the four hours are too much, but one wants to, as said earlier, Lothar Matthäus, also “a new mentality” to get to know. Lake Garda is so much Unity should still exist in Italy. To go on holiday to justify rather than, for example, in Namibia for German, because Italy, too, the colonial state was not a Nazi, but after all, fascists. This is not to say that it would have been on the Italian side, no injuries. Even a Lothar Matthäus came just to be in the opponent’s space to push forward and shoot.

Timo Frasch

Political correspondent in Munich.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The receptionist at the Hotel on lake Garda is very friendly. In the past it would have said: Okay, other countries, other customs, pass me as a German, I am also friendly. Today, you should be aware that the image of the friendly Italian who says gesturing wildly, “reproduced Japanese abe no car, Signorina”, the stereotype of the fun-loving, but also unemanzipierten (“Signorina”) Italians, the Germans, of course, is very convenient, because you don’t have to think about the exploitation of “guest workers”. Therefore, it is recommended to deal with the receptionists at check-in reserved.

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