She pauses, fredagsstrejker – on the basis of the coronavirus

Although Thunberg, has gone on strike every Friday since August of 2018, with the exception of only a few. Her movement is Convenient, for the future, has grown rapidly, and has been periodically held massive gatherings all over the world, in which millions of klimataktivister participated in the program.

” We have created very much awareness in the people. I think that many people knew about global warming, when we first started, but now it’s on a completely different level, Isabelle Axelsson, who is the main organizer for the Convenient for the future, Stockholm, sweden, said to Gp.

earlier in the week, Greta Thunberg, in this week’s fredagsstrejk ”for family reasons”. Now, tell klimataktivisten on Instagram to be the major protests are put on hold in the coming weeks because of the risk of cross-contamination associated with the coronautbrottet.

Digital klimatstrejk
She is known for encouraging the audience to listen to the science, and are now recommending to their followers to do as the experts say, and avoid meeting up with larger groups. Not, at least in high-risk areas.

” We, the young people least affected by the virus; however, it is important that we show solidarity with the most vulnerable, and to act for the greater good, she says.

Greta Thunberg says on Instagram that the movement now needs to find new ways to raise awareness of the climate crisis. & nbsp;
– press and Hold the number down, but the level of commitment up, and we’ll take one week at a time, she wrote in the post.

at the same time, she is to encourage a a digital variation of the fredagsstrejk. Take a picture of yourself with a strejkplakat, and the use of the hashtagen #ClimateStrikeOnline, any person who would like to continue to klimataktionerna, without the risk of the spread of disease.

< READ MORE: , Greta Thunberg, fighting back against the bluffarna READ MORE: : the first general strike of the climate: ”Big-year” the READ MORE: Gretas return to where it all began

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