this year marks 75 years since the second world war and the Holocaust to an end. The holocaust is unprecedented in history. It is going to have a universal significance as an example of the wickedness of the human race is capable of. The survivors of the Holocaust, are now of advanced age, and it will, unfortunately, soon won’t be able to testify about their horrific experiences. However, in order to discourage the emergence of new, equally loathsome values, and the actions of the Holocaust will have the testimony to live on.
for more than 20 years ago, Stockholm hosted the international forum on the Holocaust. Then it was the so-called ” Stockholmsdeklarationen. With the commitment of Sweden, together with a large number of other countries, and to support the minneshållande, teaching and learning about the Holocaust. The aim is that we will never forget.
the New forum is for remembering
In October of this year, prime minister Stefan Löfven set for another international forum for the remembrance of the Holocaust and to combat anti-semitism. This time in Malmö, sweden. In the face of the forum, the government has adopted a national information and training program in order to draw attention to the Holocaust and the crimes against humanity committed in the second world war, and in order to combat anti-semitism, and other forms of racism.
the living history Forum, to the national implementation of enhanced training programs on the Holocaust, anti-semitism, anti-gypsyism, and other forms of racism. Training activities should in particular be targeted towards the audiences as it is today in a lesser extent, are reached by the Forum for living history activities of the. The different parts of the education system, and it will be covered, as well as the samhällsorienteringen of the year. Both the students and the adult learners is to be achieved.
the State’s historic museums will receive funds to develop an american version of the AI, the installation of the pump-motor unit into the Testimony. Just as the English-language version, the installation process will be based on visitors, through a pre-recorded video interviews, will have the opportunity to ask questions of, and receive answers from, one of the Swedish survivors.
the Swedish Defense research agency has been commissioned to produce a report on anti-semitism in social media
the university of Gothenburg (Segerstedtsinstitutet) with a mandate to bring forward a review of, and implementing, a research seminar, with a view to, among other things, presented a summary of the relevant research on the impact of anti-semitism, and other forms of racism can be counteracted by the teaching of the school.
the nationwide initiative also includes an assignment for the Swedish Defence research agency (FOI). The agency has been commissioned to produce a report on anti-semitism in social media and other digital environments.
the Students will visit the nazi concentration camp of equal the value of one of democracy’s most important cornerstones. Anti-semitism, and all forms of racial discrimination, is a threat to all of us, and to our open and democratic society. Therefore, the government’s efforts to draw attention to the crimes against humanity committed in the second world war, and draw lessons from it, and continue to be a priority.
Recently, the government took a decision to allocate additional funds to the hågkomstresor for the students, so that they are able to visit the concentration camps in order to learn more about the Holocaust. The strategic and collective efforts against anti-semitism, anti-gypsyism, and other forms of racism will continue. Malmöforumet, and it is a national initiative, we have agreed to, are essential components of the process.
the Minister of education, science, and the responsibility to REMEMBER – REACT, the government in international forums, for the remembrance of the Holocaust and to combat anti-semitism.
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