
The Church – Eros Zeta And The Perfumed Guitars: A Psychedelic Journey

The Church’s 27th album, Eros Zeta And The Perfumed Guitars, takes listeners on a mesmerizing psychedelic journey. Released on May 24th, 2024 under Easy Action Records, the album showcases the band’s signature dreamy sound mixed with dystopian storytelling.

The album serves as a companion piece to their previous release, The Hypnogogue, following the failed Rock Star Eros Zeta as he attempts to reclaim former glories using the dream extractor, the Hypnogogue. The set features hits like Realm Of Minor Angels and Sublimated In Song, blending old and new music seamlessly.

Throughout the album, jangly guitars and seductive psychedelic washes create a dreamy atmosphere, with tracks like The Weather and Korea adding depth to the storytelling. The Church’s sound takes on a subtle shift, combining elements of early Floyd and Glam Rock with a spacey vibe that immerses listeners in a trippy experience.

Eros Zeta And The Perfumed Guitars is a testament to The Church’s status as pioneers of Aussie Prog/Psych, continuing to push boundaries and captivate audiences with their unique sound.

For more information, visit The Church online on their website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Stay connected with At The Barrier on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and YouTube for the latest updates.