This is a great first in the France team. On the occasion of the return to school for Les Bleues, Monday, April 3, in Clairefontaine, Amel Majri showed up at the rally with Maryam, her nine-month-old daughter.

“It is essential to give structure to players who have young children,” said Hervé Renard, the new coach, at a press conference. “She has a nine-month-old daughter, it’s hard for a mother to leave her very young child at home, even if it’s her job. »

The former coach of Zambia, Angola, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Saudi Arabia, also highlighted the delay that France had taken on the issue. According to him, the federation should take inspiration from nations such as the United States, where this practice is common. “At the biggest international teams, there are a lot of things organized for children. You have to manage to have an organized structure with a nanny so that the children can have fun. I don’t think it will harm the functioning of the group and psychologically it is of paramount importance.”

The Olympique Lyonnais midfielder is therefore the first to be able to bring her child to a rally in France. “To be good in your head, to perform well, it’s important. There is progress to be made in terms of this assistance, this organization. But the door has just been opened thanks to the FFF. And maybe one day we’ll end up with four or five toddlers with us. If it’s well organized, it’s not a problem for us,” he continued.

Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra welcomed the statements of the new coach on Twitter.

Definitely, this man is not a chance, but a BIG chance for women’s sport in our country. Thank you @Herve_Renard_HR for these words, this step back, this desire to move forward. Together, our actions will bear fruit. For women, moms and sports ????

The French team meets Colombia on Friday in Clermont, before facing Canada on Tuesday April 11 at Le Mans. Two friendly matches to prepare for the World Cup, which opens on July 20, in Australia and New Zealand.