The head of the list of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) in the European elections, Marie Toussaint, castigated in turn the “fuzzy” strategy of the socialists and the “brutality” policy of the “rebels”, during a electoral campaign meeting, Saturday May 4, in Bordeaux.

In the presence of the national secretary of the environmental party, Marine Tondelier, the former Green presidential candidate Yannick Jadot and Pierre Hurmic, mayor of the town where she grew up, the candidate first denounced “the explosion of precariousness” in France and the return “to the criteria of the stability pact” in Europe, attacking “European socialists who are for the return of austerity”.

“The socialist vote is a vote which speaks of ecology, which borrows the words of ecology but which ultimately, when choosing, continues to defend the model which brings us into the wall (…). It’s Canada Dry,” she said, in front of around 200 supporters and activists.

A “third way”

Almost a month before the election, Marie Toussaint is credited with 6% to 8% of voting intentions, far from Yannick Jadot’s score of 13.4% in the 2019 European elections, and several points behind the head of PS-Place publique list Raphaël Glucksmann, favorite in the polls on the left.

“Raphaël Glucksmann, basically, it’s the nice product that we put in the window to hide the remains of the store,” she said, believing that “the only vote for the climate, for justice, is ‘is the green vote’.

Denouncing “the spirit of division” in the camp of the left and environmentalists, Ms. Toussaint condemned “the scorched earth policy” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accusing him in particular of having “eclipsed” Europe , even though it is “the right scale to fight the climate battle”.

“You blow on the embers of polarization and choose to add tension to tension, brutality to brutality,” she addressed the “rebellious” leader, judging that his strategy was “to divide the left into two blocks” and to “prevent any union that might take place without” him.

Between “vagueness erected as a strategy” and “brutality erected as a policy”, Ms. Toussaint put forward a “third way” and her desire to create “a European welfare state as a project in the face of national selfishness”, opposing “green pact » and “brown deal”.