Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the ongoing debate about the lack of equipment in schools and daycare centers, the government and opposition continue to be irreconcilable. While the FDP and SPD called for massive investments in education and new structures in the state parliament on Wednesday, the green-black government coalition referred to the latest decisions in favor of schools and day-care centers, to pilot projects and the expansion of staff.
The SPD called for an important course to be set with an investment worth billions from the country’s corona reserves. “The alarm signals from daycare centers and schools are unmistakable,” said party and parliamentary group leader Andreas Stoch. Stoch said that the green-black government had been granted 14.6 billion euros by the state parliament to deal with the corona crisis and its consequences. The negative after-effects of the school closures were one of them. Not only could 1,000 teachers be hired with the money, an IT specialist offensive could also be financed. Stoch also called for a specialist offensive for the daycare centers, jobs in school psychology, better school social work and better paid primary school teachers.
The education policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Timm Kern, also emphasized that sufficient funds must be made available. But money is not everything, structures must also be changed, for example through the nationwide introduction of G9 in all high schools and a smaller class divider.
Minister of Education Theresa Schopper (Greens) rejected the demands. “The debate we are having here reminds me a bit of Groundhog Day,” said the Green politician, referring to the recent budget consultation. The corona billions are also not simply available because it is not yet possible to draw a line under the corona costs. Green MP Thomas Poreski pointed out that Green-Black had invested more in education than ever before.