United We can open an institutional crisis on Friday by questioning the president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, for executing the sentence of the Supreme Court against Deputy Alberto Rodríguez and, therefore, to withdraw the seat.
The purple accused Batet of yielding before the “pressure” of the Supreme -al that they pointed out for “pressing” the congress – and of the “extreme right” and announced a complaint against the president of the low chamber by prevarication.

Shortly after, from the CGPJ the pouring attack on this matter was harshly criticized by the Minister of Social Rights and Leader, Ione Belarra, who accused the Supreme “Press” at the Table of Congress: “Get to attribute the Commission of a
Crime to its magistrates absolutely exceeds the limits of the right to freedom of expression, especially when the one who carries out these manifestations is a member of the Executive Power, “said the CGPJ in a statement.

We can be censored, in addition, by its partner in the executive.
Since the PSOE, after knowing these facts, it was defended to Batet and was emphasized that in Spain there is judicial independence: “The judgments can be resorted but can not be informed,” said socialist sources before highlighting the “scrupulous compliance” that Batet did
of your duty.

Much more forceful towards the position adopted by we can be the PP.
Its president, Pablo Married, gave directly to but Sánchez the “immediate” cessation of Belarra for accusing the Supreme “Cometer a crime”.

“In any serious government, a minister who accuses the Supreme Court of committing a crime would be unemployed immediately,” said Marriedo, who affolded “the attack on justice and institutions” by “Sánchez’s radical partners and his
“He is intolerable, if he does not act, he will become an accomplice,” he added.

The political earthquake occurred after the president of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, Manuel Marchena, it took less than 24 hours to respond to the president of the Congress, confirming his obligation to comply with the disqualification of Alberto Rodríguez and less than five hours
Later Meritxell Batet communicated to the United Kingdom, we can withdraw from his seat as he demands the judgment issued against him because he had a kick for a policeman seven years ago in the course of a demonstration.

Today, Marchena explained through the President of Congress that the accessory punishment of disqualification is obliged as provided by Article 56.1.2 of the Criminal Code, and also remembered in its mission that the defense of the Deputy Purple already asked him
A clarification of the judgment and, to that request, was replied insisting that it is sharp and involves the withdrawal of the seat.

Consequently, the only possible exit to Alberto Rodríguez and the Conate of confrontation between the Congress and the Supreme, went because the Chairman of the Chamber gave execution within the shortest period of the senior of the High Court and proceeded to the
Withdrawal of the Minutes to the Deputy of We can, although this would involve opening a warfare immediately with the Minor Partner Party of the Government Coalition.

Batet fully fulfilled that the responsibility raised exclusively about it and disobey could lead to serious consequences ranging from a contempt for a prevarication in addition to running the risk of being incursed in a process of reprobation in Congress and
Even disqualification in court.

Thus, the third authority of the State proceeded to personally communicate Alberto Rodríguez the office of the Supreme Court by confirming all the extremes of the judgment issued against him and that he entails “the loss of his status as deputy”, as well as the car for the
That its execution is available.

Batet also transferred the office to the Central Electoral Board, the superior and permanent body of the electoral administration, for the purposes of the opportune substitution of the deputy, and the General Secretariat of Congress.
Likewise, the Chairman of the House sent an office to the Supreme by moving a copy of all these communications and so that, as Marchena was claimed, the computation of compliance with the disabling penalty can be initiated.

The decision of the President immediately aroused the anger of units. We can.
Not only of deputies and related but also those who sit on the Council of Ministers in an unusual reaction of radical confrontation with the Supreme and with their own Chamber Presidency.
The purple formation accused both institutions of committing a crime of “prevarication”.
That is, to know a unjust decision and contrary to the law.
In fact, at the late afternoon sources of training confirmed this newspaper that they will interpret a complaint against Batet for prevarication: “The decision he has taken by the shameful pressure of the Supreme and the extreme right does a huge damage to democracy.
and our country, “he said.

The Permanent Commission of the CGPJ Council reproached the Minister of Social Rights and We Be Belarra at the last minute of this Friday, a message in social networks where the condemnatory judgment of the TS against Alberto Rodríguez and the subsequent withdrawal from the decision by decision questioned
of the president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet.
In a statement, the Government Body of the Judges showed its “absolute and resounding rejection” to the demonstrations of Belarra “with greater turning than on other occasions” because they attribute “the commission of a crime to his magistrates”, an affirmation that,
In his view, “absolutely exceeds the limits of the right to freedom of expression” in addition to “generating an unacceptable suspicion with respect to the highest court of the nation,” he says.

The CGPJ recalls that Belarra is “a member of the Executive Power” so this type of statements place “the relations between two powers of the State in a completely undesirable level”.
The Minister described on Twitter of “prevarication” the withdrawal of the seat to Rodríguez, and accused the Supreme Pressing Meritxell Batet to be removed despite the fact that “both know” that this disqualification is not what the sentence says.

The Council shows “their profound discomfort” because the statements “have been formulated by a member of the Government” and defends that the TS and the rest of the courts “have given extermination of their independence, impartiality and objectivity” regardless of which “be it
The political or social position of the prosecution ».