Through the town, he struggles with an old green, to a small bike that has seen better days. The sight of the muscles which move the pedals, but reveals The power of the time. And how! In the past ten years, only a few days have passed, at which Marius Lau is not on the wheel has to be trained. Or in the swimming pool. Or in running shoes. The green bike is not only rides for short town of Frankfurt – because it is for the bad guys, the thief, prey, attractive. Quite different than the road bike, the mountain bike and the time trial machine at home.

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Lau is a strong example of loyalty to the Club from the bottom up to the professional. An example of what a sporting power can be deployed, if the firm will and a steadfast drive of a young athlete encounters a stimulating Club with good coaches. Ten years ago, as a fourteen-year-old, he took part as a beginner for the first time in a youth training in the rapidly growing triathlon division of Eintracht Frankfurt. And up to today, Lau claim “to not have a single training session due to a null Bock’ missed”. His rise from a late-started the young professional is based on constancy, continuity, consistency.

The staples of his career to date in that first harmony-Training, in which he dominated in the water, the front crawl technique yet form – “I could only swim a little bit of Breast” – and the Ironman Frankfurt 2020. In the case of Europe, in his native city, he wanted to Championships at the 28. June go to the Start with the goal of a Top 10 rank. Yes, says newcomers to Lau, he would have had it. At its Premiere over 3.8 kilometres of Swimming (in the Langener Waldsee), 180 kilometers of Cycling (by Wetterau and the Main-Kinzig-Kreis) and a Marathon (at the riverside of Frankfurt am main).

Now, the Ironman Frankfurt pandemic has been cancelled due to. But because Lau can imagine his long-distance debut only in his native Frankfurt, he moved the target back to the summer of 2021. The Phase of the Haderns and Grollens about his personal misfortune, he has held short. Although his clever Plan, which aimed for one and a half years ago, on this date in the summer of 2020, has been sustained by crosses.

In the Form of his life

ran The Training over the Winter, “” bombastic “well,” he says. In two small Cross-duathlon series victories jumped out, in the case of traditional winter running event in Rodgau, Germany, in February, Lau introduced, in spite of adverse conditions in 31:50 minutes, a new best time of over ten kilometers. “I was in the Form of my life so far,” says the Frankfurter. Especially with the successful completion of his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in March, three months of pure, undisturbed Ironman preparation lay before him. It should be a taste of what to be aiming for the professional life, the 25-Year-old. He wants to know – now. He wants to know what’s in it and how far he can bring it. Lau wants to use this “window of opportunity once in a lifetime,” he says. “I want to fulfil this lifelong dream.”

A professional license is solved in the Triathlon, quite quickly, that’s what Lau is not alone. The art is so successful and to be so clever on and off the track, to be able to his living about price, inaugural and sponsors ‘ funds. He does not want to wear down with start-up knowingly. For example, with a 30-hour Job that keeps him financially afloat, in addition to the 18 to 25 hours a week Training. These sizes he could agree now, but first of all, well with the Master’s degree in mechanical engineering at the Frankfurt School of Applied Sciences.