This Saturday, King Felipe VI visited, by surprise, his daughter, Princess Leonor, who is studying at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.

The Monarca has been eating at the well-known Zaragoza restaurant Tajo Bajo, located in the central Plaza del Pilar in the Aragonese capital, specializing in local products. It was the chef of the Zaragoza restaurant himself, Rubén Martín Mestre, who made it public through his social networks.

The chef wrote on his Instagram account: “Today the King of Spain tried our borage”, a vegetable native to the gardens of Zaragoza and the Ribera del Ebro, accompanying the text with a photo of the restaurant team posing with Felipe SAW.

As Rubén Martín explained to, “we had a reservation for a group of 30 people with a menu closed at 2:30 p.m. We didn’t know anything and half an hour earlier two escorts came to tell us that the King was coming and then they entered dogs”.

It was an informal meeting, with friends from the Navy and some wives, among whom Queen Letizia was not present.

Every year they meet in a different city in Spain and on this occasion they have chosen the Aragonese capital. They stayed until 5:30 p.m. and then the Monarch went to visit his daughter, Princess Leonor, who is studying at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.

However, since this was a private hearing, the military educational center has not confirmed the meeting between father and daughter.

Princess Leonor, who entered the Academy on August 17, received last Tuesday the saber that accredits her as a lady cadet and as a symbol that they will become the next officers of the Army.

After the presentation of the sabers and the grancé beret, the next notable event will take place on October 6. That day the knights and ladies cadets, including the heiress, will be presented to the Virgen del Pilar inside the Basilica. It will be the prelude to the swearing in of the flag, a solemn act that will take place the next day, Saturday the 7th.

The first-year cadet students have already enjoyed their first permission to be with their families at home. It took place after having carried out maneuvers for ten days in the San Gregorio field as their first act of practical training.

Lady Borbón Ortiz has already completed the combatant’s basic military training module after a week and a half of maneuvers in which she learned military techniques, shooting exercise with an assault rifle and live fire exercises with individual weapons.

During his stay at the Academy he has made at least two trips to the city of Zaragoza. In one of them he shared a snack with a group of classmates in a well-known bar in the Aragonese capital located next to the university city.

On the other occasion, he was at a stationery store to buy teaching materials for the maneuvers in which he participated days later.