Not in public, not to direct, but the winners anyway: the health concerns have transformed Molière 2020 in a special edition, broadcast Tuesday night on France 2, after having been pre-recorded on four days in front of a handful of appointed.

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The organizers themselves don’t know what it will look like this ceremony which annually awards the prize of the most prestigious theater in France. But they hope that it”will light” a living art particularly shaken by the sars coronavirus.

At the time where almost all of the scenes, already in the end of the season and still subject to a restriction gauge, are stopped, the Molières 2020 were held in two time to bend to the rules of distancing.

Act I: the recording of the ceremony 19 awards as well as dance numbers, singing and music at the Théâtre du Châtelet. Act II: a scholar of the mount, plus tributes, including the comedian Guy Bedos, and a “best of” moments of Molières since their inception in 1987. Sunday afternoon at the Châtelet theatre, the atmosphere was therefore nothing strange, but good child.

forty people, most of them appointed, in suits and evening dresses, enter into the dropper, filmed by cameramen hidden, and settled on the floor of the hall of 2000 seats. Among them, Alexis Michalik, the genius of the French theater, the comedian Alex Lutz or even the grande dame of the Comédie-Française Dominique Blanc.

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On the illuminated scene, the journalist for France 2 Marie-Sophie Lacarrau acts as a mistress of ceremony, accompanied in turn by the president of the Molières and owner of the parisian theatres Jean-Marc Dumontet, of the actor Jean-Pierre Darroussin or actresses Audrey Fleurot and Isabelle Carré.

If the suspense is there, the winners a little disconcerted don’t really know how to react, since they have been asked to… stay in their place, the announcement of their name.


Ovationnés by their colleagues, they stand up, they are behind the microphone – with a disinfecting wipe, the jokes flew in the face of this new situation.

“The artists are excited, even without the decorum. They are taken by surprise because normally this is something that you share with a whole room shook,” said to the AFP Mr. Dumontet who had insisted that the ceremony be held for “putting the theatre honour”. “We want to say to the public “continue to come to the theater, “we are ready”, he adds.

“The actors are both in a waiting incredible, and then do not know how to go about it, is that I can leave to burst my joy, it creates small moments are amazing,” says Marie-Sophie Lacarrau.

At a time, feeling a little floating in the air, she asked the small audience to disregard the constraints of the recording. “Still a break?” asks the micro a Darroussin, teasing because of the many interruptions to allow for adjustments to the régie.

highlights of the previous editions, held in classrooms that are full to the brim, are available for viewing on small screens suspended above the stage, a bit like a vision of the “ancient world”. The persons present will have to hold their tongue until Tuesday evening, when Molière will be released, a rare thing, in prime time, 21: 00.

In the public theatre, a duel tight between The fly, success at the Bouffes du nord to Electra of the shallows of Simon Abkarian presented at the Théâtre du Soleil and Ariane Mnouchkine. In the private sector, the part of Michalik A love story will face, among others, to Red with Niels Arestrup.

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In the room, in the face of the restrictions, we take the party to laugh. “The theater actor is not an actor’s pre-recorded” joked one in the floor.

“We all played our debut in front of four people,” says AFP Alex Lutz. “And there we said, oh it’s so good, in fact, when the room is filled!”

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