The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Saturday the investment of 1,300 million in Vocational Training to create 45,000 bilingual places, 824 more digital training centers and 1,500 technology and entrepreneurship classrooms.

The injection, materialized this Saturday in an act of the Socialists in Pamplona, ​​will be approved next Wednesday in the Council of Ministers. Throughout the legislature, the Government has already invested 6,600 million euros in Vocational Training and has given life to the law on this matter. Now, with these 1,300 million, Sánchez seeks to “strengthen even more” Vocational Training because “the future lies there”, in “the education of our young people” as is also the case in other branches of education or the university.

With this mobilization, Moncloa seeks to “make the greatest commitment to FP that any government has ever made.” The objective of the commitment to VET is to reduce the youth unemployment rate -which places Spain, with close to 30%, at the bottom of the European Union- and “re-industrialize” the productive model, in the image of what is happening in Europe, thanks to recovery funds.

This is the fourth major announcement by the Chief Executive in recent days, after the different promises made in terms of housing by Sánchez. On April 16, after the unblocking of the Housing Law progressed, the Prime Minister announced the mobilization of 50,000 Sareb homes for young and affordable rentals.

On April 19, in his appearance in Congress, he raised the number of homes to 93,000 thanks to a new ICO financing line endowed with 4,000 million euros from European funds. And last Tuesday, in the Senate, he unveiled the government’s plan to build 20,000 more apartments on land owned by the Ministry of Defense through the Public Land Business Company (Sepes).

In this regard, Sánchez denounced this Saturday the little investment made by the Government of Mariano Rajoy in terms of housing and said he felt rejection of the fact that Spain is one of the countries, with 3%, in which the lowest percentage of subsidized housing there is something that plans to reverse.

In this sense, the president marks the level to be reached with his ads at 9%, but he asserted that the challenge is to reach 20% as is the case in certain Nordic countries. “Housing is going to be a national objective,” defined the president.

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