The anger in society rises and rises. The behavior of the ballet director in Hanover shows that the tolerance threshold is also falling among those who are supposedly educated. The disgusting act against a “FAZ” critic was, however, uniquely crappy in its encroachment.

Esteemed supporters of the politically incorrect, today I have bad news and good news for you. The bad first: The world is full of shit. The good news is that it’s evenly distributed, every part of the world gets its share, there’s enough for everyone. At least it’s fair here. This also applies to stupidity, which is in a constant race against aggression. The duo forms the only functioning perpetuum mobile on the globe so far.

All shit! Also in Germany. Even dachshund owners, otherwise a perfect image of the German bourgeois, throw shit around – at least verbally – if you dare not recognize the depths and depths of their artistic flatulence, which has to go to your marrow and gut. The dachshund owner we are talking about worked full-time as a ballet director at the Hanover State Opera and is called Marco Goecke.

I saw a video of him sitting in a dark suit in a dark room, with a dark stage and dark sunglasses in front of his eyes. Next to him, a dachshund is waiting for Godot, a treat or whoever or whatever. The dog is in the process of producing shit that will later end up in his master’s pocket so that he can soon dispose of it in the usual way. Because even shit has to come to light.

The dachshund owner explains his latest work, a ballet, performed in The Hague – from his point of view a bright joy in dark times. He explains what he thought and thought about in the process, that he wanted to do “a longer piece without any story”. A modest approach, because everyone really wants to make history, especially a dachshund owner who knows nothing outside of his dancing bladder and his artistic intestines, unless he’s choreographing shitty headlines.

The dachshund owner was inspired for the story of his storyless ballet by the sea and the beach, which he would spend hours looking at through the window of his hotel room in Scheveningen when he had a well-deserved break, or as he put it in a foreign language: “When I look long to the sea .” When the dachshund owner looked at the sea for many hours, he realized that not much was happening in front of and on the sea, and that the whole thing was “extremely boring”. The dark-clad choreographer, whose job it is to ensure movement on stages, saw the light, his heart and gut warmed up because he noticed that the scenery was changing after all. As examples he gave “light”, “noise”, “wind” and “of course the sea”, the appearance and disappearance of “children”, “dogs” and “boats”.

“You can do that for the rest of your life,” enthused the dachshund owner in the video from the sea-goggles. We don’t begrudge him that, then he has something to do. Financially, that’s certainly possible for him because the job of a ballet director was well paid and his works are still being performed in Hanover, which brings in a little money that should be enough for him and a bit of dachshund food. State theaters are subsidized to no small extent. The problem could be the dachshund, who has to be walked, forcing its owner to stop staring at the sea every so often, unless the dog is pooping on the beach.

The “FAZ” critic Wiebke Hüster judged the twitching and hopping in The Hague: “The blatantly timed, as if disconnected dancing, the corridors in which the arms are glued to the body like tucked in dog tails, the speaking, waving, ludicrous or tragic solos, the duo’s clenching bellies, all of that is great.” Unfortunately: “While watching, you alternately get mad and get killed by boredom.”

The dachshund owner apparently interpreted the words as follows: That was total shit. And that’s why he threw dachshund shit in the face (!) of his critic during the break in the premiere of “Glaube – Liebe – Hoffnung”. The “you have to stay outside” apparently does not apply to all dachshunds in Germany. Because of me. Something else irritates me, namely that the dachshund owner keeps his dog’s excrement in his pocket and doesn’t quickly dispose of it somewhere. Of course, having shit with you or bringing it onto the stage is not forbidden and is part of artistic freedom. But even degenerates have no right to behave in an abusive manner.

“I’ve been working for 25 years and I don’t care about bad reviews,” the dachshund owner claimed. “But there are limits!” And: “After 20 years of reading this shit, it was enough!” Now I’ve read in the “FAZ” that the truly knowledgeable Wiebke Hüster has rated just nine performances by the dachshund owner over the years, two of them “enthusiastically praised” and the rest “critically”. The dachshund owner saw it as “a certain form of destructive, hurtful reporting that damages the entire culture industry” that the media should kindly think about. He wanted to give his shitty behavior a note of solidarity: I did it for all of you, colleagues.

The FAZ editor Jürgen Kaube, who is responsible for culture and non-culture, rightly asks where the “insult”, “denigration”, “bullying” and “damage to business” lay that the dachshund owner brought up in his attempt to apologize. We don’t know and we’ll never know. But it shows once again that the tolerance threshold is sinking and the general anger in society is often taken out on journalists. “In retrospect, I realize that this was a shameful act in affect and an overreaction.”

To abuse someone with dachshund poo and to play it down as an “overreaction” is damn weird. The State Theater saw it that way and fired the dachshund owner. Perhaps he will now become a caretaker in a bouncy castle in Scheveningen, stare at the sea every day and teach children how to move properly.