The cumulative incidence (IA) of the Coronavirus in Spain continues to lower little by little (71.86 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, three points less than yesterday) and it seems that it will continue to do so in the coming days.
This is because the indicator within seven days, key to detect rapid changes in trend, has not stopped descending (today it is 29.51, when yesterday was 30.04).
The Ministry of Carolina Darias has also confirmed a significant descent in the number of daily contagions, a total of 3,031 (191 more than yesterday, but 1,044 less than those notified seven days ago).
On the other hand, mortality remains stable, descending slightly.
In the last 24 hours, 100 deaths have been recorded, two less than yesterday (102) and one less than a week ago (101).
In total, there are 86,185 deaths confirmed by Coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.
The group of less than 11 years, still without vaccining, continues to lead the incidence by ages (114.80).
Then they are between 30 and 39 years old (76,17), between 20 and 29 years old (73.80) and that of more than 80 years (72.86).
By autonomies, regions with worst data are Melilla (171,11), Ceuta (152.02), Cantabria (103.62) and Balearic Islands (100,72), although all have greatly reduced the transmission in the last week.
On the contrary, Asturias (18.06), Galicia (50.04), Castilla y León (52.78), Valencian Community (53,13) and Canary Islands (73,67) are those presented by more positive figures.
In hospitals follow the positive trend.
The total occupation for Covid patients lowers up to 2.54% (there are 3,056 people admitted, 181 less than Wednesday) and in the intensive care units (UCI), the percentage falls to 9.52% (Wednesday was from
9.80%, with 27 serious patients).
Madrid remains the first community in UCI occupation by Covid patients (19.34%).
After it, Catalonia is found (14.66%), Basque Country (13.99%) and Balearic Islands (11.85%).
On the opposite side, the most relaxed are Ceuta, without a serious state by Covid, Galicia (2.00%), Murcia (2.35%), Cantabria (3.39%) and Asturias (3.69%)
You have to keep in mind that these data only reflect the occupation of beds from Covid patients.
In the UCIs of all territories are also patients from other pathologies and surgeries.
In Europe, the countries most affected by the virus are the United Kingdom (654.3), Turkey (441.0) and Ireland (377.6).
Countries with the lowest data are Poland (21.8), Czech Republic (54,7) and Spain (71,9).
It is already 36,259,105 people (76.4% of the population) those who have the complete guideline of the Vaccine against the Covid, after the administration of 93,158 doses in the last 24 hours.
In addition, there are 37,538,323 with at least one inoculated dose, which represents 79.1% of the population and are left in the nearers 5,752,375 for its next inoculation, always according to the figures provided by health.
Below 90% population with complete pattern follow people between 40 and 49 years (85.8%), from 30 to 39 years (73.3%), from 20 to 29 years (72.1%
) and the one from 12 to 19 years (72.1%).