30 TV Shows and Films to Watch in Honor of D-Day Anniversary

Looking for ways to commemorate the historic D-Day landings on the anniversary? Look no further! Our critics have curated a list of 30 must-watch shows and films that are available on demand and are sure to captivate your attention.

1. **D-Day: The Unheard Tapes**
– Year: 2024
– Watch now on BBC iPlayer
– Description: This landmark BBC series brings the drama of D-Day to life using original audio recordings from those who were there. With dramatic re-enactments and archive footage, this three-part series offers a unique perspective on the Normandy landings.

2. **Saving Private Ryan**
– Year: 1998
– Watch now on Channel 4
– Description: Starring Tom Hanks, this Oscar-laden war movie captures the chaos and tragedy of combat during the D-Day landings. The film’s opening sequence on Omaha beach is a powerful portrayal of the events of that day.

3. **Antiques Roadshow: D-Day**
– Year: 2024
– Watch now on BBC iPlayer
– Description: Fiona Bruce hosts this commemorative special of Antiques Roadshow, featuring objects that tell the story of D-Day. From Field Marshal Montgomery’s beret to a children’s toy made by a soldier, these artifacts offer a glimpse into the past.

4. **The Longest Day**
– Year: 1962
– Watch now on BBC iPlayer
– Description: This star-packed Hollywood classic provides a comprehensive account of the D-Day landings from multiple viewpoints. With a stellar cast and detailed storytelling, this black-and-white film is a must-watch for history enthusiasts.

5. **Vicky McClure: My Grandad’s War**
– Year: 2023
– Description: Line of Duty star Vicky McClure embarks on an emotional journey with her war veteran grandfather to learn about his experience during D-Day. This personal exploration offers a touching tribute to the heroes of the past.

Stay tuned for more recommendations and immerse yourself in the stories of courage and sacrifice that defined the events of D-Day.