Foment del Treball has prepared its letter of petitions to the next Government that leaves the polls on July 23. The Catalan employers’ association has made public, this afternoon, a list of 371 economic proposals that, in the words of its president, Josep Sánchez Llibre, require “major cross-cutting agreements” between the political groups that will make up the Cortes Generales during the next legislature.
It has not been the first measure exposed, but perhaps the most noteworthy: Foment will demand from the Executive resulting from the vote on 23-J that companies do not bear the costs of their employees’ sick leave during the first 15 days. Currently, if the temporary disability is not caused by professional contingencies, they do so from the fourth to the fifteenth day of absence (except for modifications in the collective agreements) and, from then on, the payment is made by Social Security or mutual collaborators.
“We are governed by a collectivized system and, consequently, the companies are already paying this benefit through social contributions,” Foment justifies. “It should not be the employer who finances a drop. This system was introduced at a time of crisis due to the high public deficit and the time has come to reverse it,” demanded the employers, who also asked to increase “control and the effectiveness” of the mechanisms for monitoring work absenteeism.
Sánchez Llibre has also had an impact on one of the issues to which the Catalan business organization has dedicated the most time and resources in recent years: the elimination of the Wealth Tax, which is currently paid by around 190,000 people in Spain and collects 1,200 million euros. euro.
According to the president of Foment, who will send his proposals to the main list heads of the general elections, it is a “confiscatory” tax that “harms the productive economy, the generation of wealth, entrepreneurship and the creation of jobs quality work”. For this reason, he has demanded “courage” from the political parties to include in their electoral programs the elimination of this tax, as well as the temporary solidarity tribute of the great fortunes.
And, continuing with the fiscal policy, the employer requests that the undistributed or reinvested business profits do not compute for the Corporation Tax.
Regarding the infrastructure chapter, in addition to claiming the progress in the works of the Mediterranean Corridor and the expansion of the El Prat airport, Foment del Treball considers it necessary for the Government to finalize the transfer of Cercanías to the Generalitat of Catalonia in a “form” effective and not only nominal” and “with the resources and pertinent budget allocations”.
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