In times of crisis, the fear of losing your job often grows. But not only the loss of a job itself, even the fear of it can be paralyzing. Which strategies help?
Corona, war in Europe and an impending recession: one crisis follows the other. And in times of rising food prices, electricity and heating costs, losing a job weighs particularly heavily. It’s no wonder that there’s a fear of unemployment. But how can you counteract it – and what helps if the worst comes to the worst?
It always becomes difficult when the fear of a possible job loss leads to a negative spiral – and paralyzes you. In order to prevent this, it is best to first deal with what you are actually afraid of. Christiane Karsch, coach for professional reorientation, advises asking yourself the following questions: “What exactly triggers the fear in me? What is it that scares me? Is the fear justified or unfounded?” If you clarify these questions for yourself, you take away the size of the fear – and limit it in its scope.
It is also helpful to remember how past crises were mastered, says Antonio Arra, head of the occupational psychology service at the Federal Employment Agency in Potsdam. This is how you become aware of your own skills and strengths. And based on that, you can ask yourself, “How can these strengths help me keep my fear at bay?” Reflecting on one’s own skills can also help to cushion the drop in self-esteem when losing a job. And you can start building on your own strengths.
The business psychologist Andreas Hemsing advises that you also get a sense of achievement outside of work – for example with sports or with friends and family. “It’s important to look for counter-stability,” says Hemsing. This can also consist of volunteering locally – or looking for a new hobby.
“The loss of work and with it this orientation framework often throws the basic structures of life upside down,” says Hemsing. A meaningful task and the establishment of new routines can counteract the fear of losing your job – and lead to the experience of self-efficacy. “The workplace is a source of self-esteem,” says Uwe Kanning, Professor of Business Psychology at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. And that needs to be built elsewhere.
If you realize that the fear of losing your job is justified, you should take action. “The key is to take action,” advises Hemsing. This can mean updating your application documents or specifically looking around for alternative work opportunities. You can also try to get into conversation with your employer or with colleagues – and thus also explore possibilities for an internal transfer to another area of ??work.
Also helpful: Get outside support in advance. “If unemployment is imminent or has actually occurred, you shouldn’t remain alone with your fears, but seek dialogue,” recommends Arra. This can be friends and family who can offer emotional support and a change of perspective. Frequently, one only finds out about a potential new job through acquaintances.
You can also contact the Employment Agency directly to assess your own chances on the job market. Arra advises clarifying the following questions: “What professional skills do I have? What does the job market look like for me? Is that a way of reorienting myself professionally?” The crisis can also be seen as an opportunity for professional development. “One characteristic of fear is that it binds the focus. Counseling, for example at the Federal Employment Agency, and showing possibilities expands the focus again,” says Arra.
Last but not least, you should deal with the modalities of your own employment contract, the notice period for example. Or with the amount of unemployment benefit that can be expected in the event of termination. Then the question arises: When should I register as unemployed? At the latest in the event of termination, it may be appropriate to seek legal advice.
If the termination actually occurs, one can also give the mourning space for the time being. Then, according to Karsch, you could think about what actually caused the job loss: is it really your own mistakes or was the termination due to external reasons? “If I haven’t contributed to it, it shouldn’t affect my self-esteem,” says Kanning from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. If so, this could be the beginning of a professional reorientation.
In any case, you should be careful not to fall too deep into the hole. “After sudden unemployment, you can treat yourself to a brief pause,” says Arra. “But it’s important to get active again.”